The Campuses of Georgetown University, the Law School Campus, the Main Campus, and the Medical Campus, are located within Washington, D.C. Georgetown's Main and Medical Campuses are located in Georgetown, Washington, D.C. between Canal Road, Prospect Street, and Reservoir Road. The Law Campus is located in downtown DC on New Jersey Avenue, near Union Station. Other parts of GU are located in the D.C. Area, including the Center for Continuing and Professional Education at Clarendon in Arlington, Virginia. Georgetown also operates a facility in Doha, Qatar, and villas in Alanya, Turkey and Fiesole, Italy.
Georgetown University is built in its present location for a number of historic reasons. First is the location in the Jesuit colonized state of Maryland, within proximity to the port of Georgetown, and the access and opportunities that provided. In his Proposals for Establishing an Academy, John Carroll described the "salubrity of air" and "cheapness of living" as further reasons for the school's location. Carroll did not know the nations capitol would be founded as such to include the campus, as DC was planned out in 1790 shortly after Georgetown's founding. In 1792, Holy Trinity Church of Georgetown was completed. The proximity of the school to a Catholic church had been important in choosing a location for the Jesuit institution.
John Carroll obtained the legal rights to 60 acres (240,000 m2) of land from John Threlkeld in "Georgetown Heights" on January 23, 1789, though its first building, Old South, had already begun construction on this land in 1788. In 1818, farmer turned Jesuit Joseph West donated funds to purchase a sizable expansion of the campus, in which he himself oversaw the construction of numerous "walks." Buildings such as the Reiss Science Building and the Leavey Student Center, as well as hospital buildings now occupy this space. Although this and other gifts gave Georgetown rights to over 200 acres (0.81 km2) of land in the area, much of this was sold off to meet the school's various debts over the years. This included the land north of modern Reservoir Road, which is now the neighborhood of Burleith.