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Borders of Russia

Russia has international borders with 16 sovereign states, including two with maritime boundaries (US, Japan), as well as with the partially recognized states of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. With a land border running 20,241 kilometres (12,577 mi) in total, Russia has (after China), the second-longest land border of any country.

Russia shares borders with more countries than any other state in the world. This includes two partially recognized countries, and two with aquatic boundaries (see below; in italics).

Below is a list of subjects with both neighboring regions of Russia with them, and in the neighboring regions of foreign countries.

Belgorod Oblast

Bryansk Oblast

Vladimir Oblast

Voronezh Oblast

Ivanovo Oblast

Kaluga Oblast

Kostroma Oblast

Kursk Oblast

Lipetsk Oblast

Moscow Oblast

Oryol Oblast

Ryazan Oblast

Smolensk Oblast

Tambov Oblast

Tver Oblast

Tula Oblast

Yaroslavl Oblast


Republic of Karelia

Komi Republic

