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Ana María Vela Rubio

This is a list of Spanish supercentenarians (people from Spain who have attained the age of at least 110 years). There have been, including emigrant supercentenarians, 61 verified Spanish supercentenarians, the oldest of whom, and the oldest living person in Spain as of 19 February 2017, is Ana María Vela Rubio, born 29 October 1901, age 115 years, 113 days.

  Deceased   Living
^ denotes age at death, or, if living, age as of 19 February 2017

a^ Moreno was born in Spanish Morocco, which was then part of the Spanish Empire. It is now in Morocco.

Galo Leoz Ortín (22 April 1879 – 23 January 1990) was a Spanish supercentenarian and Spain's oldest recognized living person when he died aged 110 years 276 days. He became Spain's oldest recognized male ever when he surpassed Aurelio Diaz. Leoz's record was surpassed in 1993 by Josep Armengol Jover (23 July 1881 – 20 January 1994), who lived to the age of 112 years 181 days. Galo Leoz was a noted ophthalmologist.

Manuela Fernández Fojaco (18 June 1895 – 6 January 2009) was the fifth-oldest living person, the oldest person in Europe and the oldest living person in Spain at the time of her death, at the age of 113 years, 202 days.

Manuela Fernández Fojaco was born in Llamas, in the municipality of Aller, Asturias. On 2 January 2009, she became the oldest living European after the death of 115-year-old Portuguese woman Maria de Jesus. Her reign lasted for 4 days until her death on 6 January 2009. After her death, 112-year-old Lucia Lauria Vigna from Italy became Europe's oldest person (although Eugénie Blanchard was from Saint Barthélemy, which is part of the European Union).

