Alhayat TV, also known as Life TV (قناة الحياة), is an Arabic-language television channel that airs in countries in North Africa, West Asia, the Middle East, America, Canada, Australia and some of Europe. Broadcasting started in September 2003, largely from Egypt. Alhayat is evangelical in its aims, and in its Mission Statement explains that "Jesus Christ came to earth to destroy the works of the devil and his blood shed on the cross to redeem humanity and restore the broken relationship with God to come back." Programs can be viewed live from its website.
Alhayat directs a lot of content toward Arabic-speaking Muslims, and many of its programs feature professed Muslim who converted to Christianity.Brother Rachid is a Moroccan ex-Muslim convert and is the host of the weekly live call-in show Daring Question (سؤال جريء). This show is the channel's flagship program.
Alhayat TV became notorious for content that is heavily critical of Islam and the Prophet Mohammed. Its programs are much debated and sometimes the subject of angry criticism from Muslims who claim that Alhayat's content is biased and inaccurate.
Father Zakaria Botros, an Egyptian-born preacher who was twice arrested by Arab authorities, is often cited for his bold tone and exposition of contradictions he perceives in Islam. Christians Botros boldly criticizes Islam. In 2010, he was expelled from al-Hayat by Joyce Meyer Ministries, who owns the TV station, due to threats of violence from radical Muslims.
Al Azhar, expressed their concerns over the idea brodcasting in Al Hayat TV. They stated that the coptic channel is offending muslims and Islam.