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Adana Conference

The Adana Conference or Yenice Conference (Turkish: Adana Görüşmesi , Adana Mülakatı or Yenice Görüşmesi , Yenice Mülakatı ) was a meeting between Turkish President İsmet İnönü and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill in a railroad car parking on a storage track at Yenice near Adana on 30–31 January 1943, where Churchill tried to persuade İnönü to join the Allied Forces and fight the Axis powers during World War II.

The event came to be known as the Adana Meeting later. But in fact, the meeting was held, not in Adana, but in a railroad car on a storage track at the Yenice Railway Station, It is the main railroad junction of the Adana–Mersin Railway Line and the main railroad from the north (i.e. İstanbul-Bağdat Railway). Yenice is a town of Tarsus district in Mersin Province, Turkey. The choice of this location was decided after a series of talks between the Turkish Foreign Ministry and the British embassy in Ankara. The earlier choice of the British side was Cyprus (then a part of British Empire) and the choice of Turkish side was Ankara.

During World War II, all the neighbours of Turkey were either a part of the Axis powers or the Allies. In the west, Bulgaria was an ally of Nazi Germany and Greece was occupied by German troops. Dodecanese, including Rhodes was a part of Italy. While the USSR was a neighbour at the north east, the southern neighbours were Syria, a part of Free France and Iraq, a part of the British Empire, and Iran was under USSR-British joint occupation. Turkey, however, managed to maintain its neutral status.

