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Adam Jasinski

Adam Jasinski
Born (1978-04-30) April 30, 1978 (age 38)
Residence Delray Beach, Florida
Television Big Brother 9 (winner)

Adam Jasinski (born April 30, 1978) is the winner of the U.S. series Big Brother 9. Jasinski is a public relations manager from Cherry Hill, New Jersey. Jasinski has a master's degree in fashion design and marketing, and has attended Parson's School of Design in New York City, Camden County College in New Jersey, and Fashion Art Italy in Prato-Florence Italy.

On Big Brother, Jasinski was paired with Sheila Kennedy. Jasinski won part two of the three-part final "Head of Household" competition. At the finale, Jasinski became the winner of Big Brother 9 by a vote of 6-1, defeating fellow houseguest Ryan Quicksall and earning the $500,000 prize. Jasinski received votes from Matt McDonald, Chelsia Hart, James Zinkand, Natalie Cunial, Sharon Obermueller, and Sheila Kennedy. Jasinski only lost the vote of Joshuah Welch. He played a great game and said afterwards "only if they knew how easy it was to win it all! I would love to do it all over again and really share with the diary room and America my strategy. I was very skeptical therefore held back from everyone watching what I was truly up to!"

Jasinski was arrested on October 19, 2009, and was charged by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), in North Reading, MA for possession of 2,000 oxycodone pills with intent to distribute. Jasinski admitted to funding his illegal venture with the $500,000 winnings from the show, and to buying and reselling oxycodone pills for several months. Jasinski faced a maximum of 20 years in prison and a $1 million fine.

Big Brother finalist Sheila Kennedy, who voted for Jasinski during the "jury house" portion of the show, stated she felt betrayed by him for using his prize money to fund a drug ring, as he had promised to donate $100,000 of it to an autism charity.

