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This piglix contains articles or sub-piglix about Brand name confectionery
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Clark Bar

imageClark Bar

The Clark Bar is a milk chocolate peanut butter bar that is similar to a Butterfinger, 5th Avenue or Zagnut. It has been manufactured by the New England Confectionery Company (Necco) since 1999.

Today, the Clark Bar uses its original formula pioneered by Irish immigrant David L. Clark in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 1917. It was acquired by Beatrice Foods in 1955, then Leaf in 1983. In late 1990, the manufacturer considered consolidating operations in Chicago, but the Pittsburgh area managed to retain the brand with the firm moving all operations from a Chicago's O'Hare suburb to the north side of Pittsburgh in the fall of 1991. In 1996 when Hershey acquired Leaf's North American operations, it became independent again with headquarters retained in Pittsburgh. It was bought by NECCO in 1999.


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Clodhopper (candy)

Clodhoppers are crunchy, fudge-covered graham clusters. They were originally marketed by the Kraves Candy Co., located in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. In 2006, the brand and recipes were sold to Brookside Foods, who were in turn sold to Hershey's in 2011.

Clodhoppers are available in vanilla & cocoa (originally named "chocolate") flavours, while dark chocolate, dark chocolate fudge, and "Cookies & Clods" flavours were sold during Kraves Candy's ownership of the product. The peanut butter flavour was the first flavour to be discontinued.

It has been recorded that the candy and recipe were originally created by Chris Emery's grandmother, Edith Baker, as a treat for her family. Baker made the small candies from graham wafer and chocolate. In 1996, Chris Emery and his high school friend Larry Finnson decided to sell the Clodhoppers made by Emery's grandmother in their garage. In 1998, they signed a distribution contract with Wal-Mart.

The Krave's factory in Winnipeg once produced 2,500 pounds of Clodhoppers per hour. By 2006, the company's Clodhopper production plant in Winnipeg employed more than 20 employees and sold millions of the candies throughout North America.

In 2006, Krave’s Candy sold its assets, which included its brands, names, recipes, customer lists, inventory and packaging equipment to Brookside Foods, based in Abbotsford, British Columbia. Krave’s Candy was selling millions of dollars' worth of Clodhoppers annually across North America at the time of the sale.

In February 2012, Chris Emery and Larry Finnson, the founders of Clodhoppers formed a new start up, OMG's Candy, bringing to market a similar product, which includes diced almonds and toffee bits.

In October 2012, Brookside Foods confirmed on their Facebook page that they had discontinued making Clodhoppers candy. However, Hershey's (who bought Brookside in 2011 after the Krave's Candy sale) brought back Clodhoppers under their own branding in 2016. The revived product is available in vanilla and cocoa flavours, and can be found at some gas station and convenience store chains, including Speedway in the northeastern United States.


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Crisp (chocolate bar)

Nestlé Crisp are a line of wafer candy bars that are based on existing Nestlé brands and sold in the United States. There are currently three Crisp bars in production: the Butterfinger Crisp, the Baby Ruth Crisp and the Nestlé Crunch Crisp. Each package is made up of two small, individual bars.

The Crisp line is an offshoot of the original Butterfinger Crisp that came out in 2004, then later a Nestlé Crunch Crisp and finally the Baby Ruth Crisp. While the original Butterfinger and Nestlé Crunch Crisp were full-size candy bars, all the current Crisps follow the two small, individual bar packaging.


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Cup-o-Gold is a candy bar in the form of a chocolate cup with a marshmallow center and contains almonds and coconut. It is similar to products such as Mallo Cups or Valomilk. It was invented in the 1950s by the Hoffman Candy Company in Los Angeles and is now distributed by Los Angeles candy company Adams & Brooks. It is available primarily on the West Coast but can also be bought online through the manufacturer's website.


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Dots (candy)

Dots, or Mason Dots (trademarked DOTS), is a brand of gum drops marketed by Tootsie Roll Industries, which claims that "since its 1945 launch," the candy has become "America's...#1 selling gumdrop brand." According to advertisements, more than four billion dots are produced from the Tootsie Roll Industries Chicago plant each year.

According to PETA, Dots are vegan, and according to the Tootsie Roll Industries website, they are gluten-free, nut-free, peanut-free, and kosher (officially certified kosher by the Orthodox Union as of December 1, 2009).

Dots were introduced in 1945 by Mason and trademarked that year. In 1972, Tootsie Roll Industries acquired the Dots brand by purchasing the Mason Division of Candy Corporation of America. Prior to that acquisition they were manufactured by Mason, AU and Magenheimer Confectionery Manufacturing Company of Brooklyn and later Mineola, New York.

Crows are the oldest candy in the Dots family, first created in the late 19th century. Original dots date back to 1945, Tropical Dots to 2003, and Yogurt Dots to 2007. Sour Dots were introduced in 2009–2010.

Current flavors for "original dots" include cherry (red), lemon (yellow), lime (green), orange (orange), and strawberry (pink). Sour Dots have five flavors, but are created with a sour sugar: cherry, lemon, orange, grape, and green apple. Flavors for Tropical Dots include Island Nectar, Wild Mango, Grapefruit Cooler, Carambola Melon, and Paradise Punch; and for Yogurt Dots, Banana, Orange, Blackberry, and Lemon-Lime.

Crows, black licorice flavored gum drops, are also considered to be part of the Dots family, created in the 1890s by confectioners Ernest Von Au and Joseph Maison. There is an urban legend that crows were to be called "Black Rose," but the printer misheard the name as "Black Crows" and printed wrappers with the wrong name on them. However, research—including the fact that the name was copyrighted before the candies ever came with wrappers—reveals that this story is not true.

In addition to current varieties of Original Dots (also known as Mason Dots), Tropical Dots, Yogurt Dots, Sour Dots, and Crows, past varieties (including special short-term promotional offerings) have included:


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Double Decker (chocolate bar)

imageDouble Decker

Double Decker is a brand of chocolate bar currently manufactured by Cadbury. First introduced in the UK in 1976, its name derives from the double-decker bus, and these vehicles have sometimes appeared in advertisements for the product.

The chocolate bar is structured in two layers; a lightly-whipped nougat layer, with a lower layer of cereal 'crispies', these are then coated in milk chocolate. Originally the bar contained raisins within the base layer; however, consumer research in the mid-1980s led to these being removed and the current formulation being introduced. Television commercials in the 1970s featured Willie Rushton before a mascot named Dougie the Double Decker Dog was introduced.

The bar has a mass of approximately 54.5g. This increased from 42g in the 1970s and 51g in the 1980s, to a peak of 60g before attaining the current weight. It typically contains 9.9g of fat, 38g of carbohydrates, 2.3g of protein and 1060kJ (250kcal) of energy. The Double Decker no longer contains hydrogenated oil. The bar is manufactured in Poland.

There also existed a 'Double Decker – Nuts' launched in 2004, which had the advertising slogan "crispy, crunchy, chewy and nutty". This chocolate bar was essentially a Double Decker with nuts contained within the nougat layer; however, it has since been discontinued. At the time it was distinctly aimed at males, and featured in Coronation Street credits during 2004. In August 2016 Cadbury launched Dinky Deckers as part of the Bite Size bag range which are mini Cadbury Double Deckers available in a 120g pouch bag.

In 2009, the bar received a packaging revamp for the first time since 2004. Also a Cadbury Double Decker Duo product was launched, two smaller 40 g (1.4 oz) Double Decker bars in one pack. The next packaging redesign of the standard Double Decker bar was in 2013 when Cadbury's elliptical logo was scrapped, replaced with a new modern triangular logo device. In December 2015, the wrapper was changed again. The purple was made slightly lighter and extended to cover half the bar while other changes included a revamped logo. Discount stores now also stock the 40g bars, but packaged individually, in outer packs of 4.


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Double Dip (confectionery)

Double Dip is a confectionery produced by Swizzels Matlow, where it has been popular in the United Kingdom, Australia and Norway. In 1989 Double Dip hit its peak of popularity when the sherbet based confection became the best selling sweet in Ireland. It consists of a sachet of two sherbet powders (orange and cherry flavoured), with a lollipop for dipping. The idea for the product came from the company's desire to create a product that was distinct, unique, and interactive.

Since it was released, there has been a new flavour that has been added. The flavour cola started off as a one off in a few packets, and then a special edition, and has since then become a normal sachet in the packets.


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Dove (chocolate)

Dove (sold as Galaxy in the United Kingdom, Isle of Man, India, Indonesia, Ireland) is a brand of chocolate made and marketed by the Mars company. Dove produces a wide range of chocolate, including dark chocolate, milk, caramel, fruit and nut varieties, truffle and chocolate pieces with a folded milk chocolate center.

The name comes from Dove Candies & Ice Cream, which were Chicago sweet shops owned by Leo Stefanos, a Greek-American. In 1956, Stefanos created the Dove brand of ice cream bars, which were only sold locally in Chicago until 1985 when distribution began in selected cities around the country. The Galaxy brand was first launched in the UK in 1960. In 1986, the company was acquired by Mars, Incorporated.

The Galaxy and Dove brands cover a wide range of products including chocolate bars in milk chocolate, Caramel and Fruit & Nut varieties, Minstrels, Ripple (milk chocolate with a folded or "rippled" milk chocolate centre), Amicelli, Duetto, Promises, Bubbles and Truffle. Related brands in other parts of the world include "Jewels", and "Senzi" in the Middle East. The Galaxy and Dove brands also market a wide range of products including ready-to-drink chocolate milk, hot chocolate powder, chocolate cakes, ice cream and more. The Dove brand is known for the messages written on the inside of the foil wrapper of each individual chocolate piece.


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Dracula Piller

Dracula Piller (English: Dracula Pills) are a brand of salmiakki confectionery. They are very popular in Denmark and Finland.

Dracula Piller are hard, roughly disc-shaped candies, with a salmiakki flavour. Unlike Turkish Pepper, Dracula Piller do not contain powder filling. The candies taste the strongest on the outside, biting into a Dracula Pille weakens its taste.

They were originally manufactured by NCI Nordisk Chokolade Import A/S in Denmark, and later by the Danish company which took over NCI in 2011: Scan Choco A/S.

The Dracula Piller bag features a picture of the famous fictional vampire Dracula, with his name written in big, red, blood-dripping letters.

The Danish bag no longer features the term "Dracula Piller", but they are still referred to as such in advertisements, on receipts and in cultural consciousness.

"Dracula Piller" is plural; one piece of this candy is called a "Dracula Pille".

Related products from NCI and/or Scan Choco include Dracula Mega (a larger variety), Dracula Soft, Dracula Blod, Ghost (for the German market), Dracula powder and Dracula lolipops.


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Dubble Bubble

imageDubble Bubble

Dubble Bubble is a brand of pink-colored bubblegum invented by Walter Diemer, an accountant at Philadelphia based Fleer Chewing Gum Company, in 1928. One of Diemer’s hobbies was concocting recipes for chewing gum based on the original Fleer ingredients. Though founder Frank Fleer had come up with his own bubble gum recipe in 1906, it was shelved due to its being too sticky and breaking apart too easily. It would be another 20 years until Diemer would use the original idea as inspiration for his invention.

Fleer Chewing Gum Company, in Philadelphia, had been searching for years to produce a formula that allowed bubbles to be blown that did not stick. In 1928, Walter Diemer was testing new gum recipes, he noticed that his product was less sticky than regular chewing gum, and after testing it he found that he could create bubbles easily. After a year of attempts he made the first successful batch of bubble gum. But the next morning when trying to recreate his successful concoction, he failed to reproduce the same results. After four months of trying to mimic his first success he finally made a 300-pound batch of what would become Dubble Bubble. The only food coloring available at the factory was pink, so Diemer had no choice but to use it, and the color would go on to become the standard for gum for the world over. Using a salt water taffy wrapping machine Diemer decided to individually wrap 100 pieces and brought the stock to a local candy store. The gum was priced at one penny apiece and sold out in one day. Before long, the Fleer Chewing Gum Company began making bubble gum using Diemer’s recipe, and the gum was marketed as “Dubble Bubble” gum. Diemer’s bubble gum was the first-ever commercially sold bubble gum, and its sales surpassed 1.5 million dollars in the first year. To help sell the new bubble gum, Diemer himself taught salespeople how to blow bubbles so that they in turn could teach potential customers.

The original gum featured a color comic strip, known as the Fleer Funnies, which was included with the gum. The featured characters, ‘Dub and Bub’, were introduced in 1930 but were replaced by the iconic Pud and his pals in 1950. Originally, Pud was much more rotund than the slimmed down version seen in the 1960s. The early comics were especially large and colorful. The comic also included Fleer Fortunes and Dubble Bubble Facts. The comics were sequentially numbered which made collecting them easy. They are not dated though, so it is difficult to know the exact year of release. By the late 1950s, early 1960s, Fleer Funnies shrank to the small size most people remember. More than 1,002 comics have been released over the years. During World War II, Dubble Bubble was distributed to the military. Sugar and latex became scarce due to the war and bubble gum manufacturing was halted in 1942. In 1951 Fleer resumed manufacturing of Dubble Bubble and the popularity of its gum grew steadily. Over time, Fleer extended its reach by adding new flavors and new formats like ball gum and expanded distribution of its products overseas. In 1957 Fleer introduced the first gum 6-pack with Dubble Bubble. In 1998, Dubble Bubble was purchased by Concord Confections and in 1999 they introduced Dubble Bubble as a gumball. In 2003, Tootsie Roll Industries acquired Concord and today the gum is sold in over.


