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This piglix contains articles or sub-piglix about Chocolate companies
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Hval Sjokoladefabrikk

Hval sjokoladefabrikk is a chocolate factory located in Sandefjord, Norway. The company was established in 1996 by Rolf Rune Forsberg.


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Ion (chocolate)


Ion is a Greek chocolate brand.

Although the first chocolate recipe has been manufactured since 1927, the company was formally incorporated in 1930. The main factory is located in Neo Faliro Pireaus.

Over the years, Ion introduced other chocolate varieties confectionery products such as croissants and spreadable chocolate. However, it is best known for its almond milk chocolate variety. The company has grown to be one of Greece’s 50 largest companies with annual sales of over €100 million.


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Joseph Schmidt Confections

Joseph Schmidt Confections was a San Francisco-based chocolatier, which created gourmet confections with imported Belgian chocolate. The line of confections included truffles of various sizes, slicks, and mosaics. Joseph Schmidt confections ceased operations in 2009.

Joseph Schmidt Confections was started in San Francisco during 1983. Joseph Schmidt, a European-trained baker, opened the store with his partner Audrey Ryan, a European-trained confectioner, and together, they sold baked goods and chocolates. Joseph Schmidt's signature egg-shaped truffle was the company's trademark.

In 1985, Joseph and Audrey brought in two partners to grow the business: Jeff Smith, a successful restaurateur and veteran of Nestle, and Duane Papierniak, an engineer. They continued to run the company until 2005, growing the business both nationally and internationally. At different times, Joseph Schmidt products have been available in such department stores as Harrod's and Selfridges in the UK, David Jones Limited in Australia, Takashimaya in Tokyo, and a variety of locations in Canada. North America includes department stores such as Macy's, Bloomingdales, and Saks Fifth Avenue, and gourmet grocery stores such as Whole Foods, Trader Joe's and the Fresh Market, as well as other independent stores.

In November 2005, Joseph Schmidt Confections was purchased by Artisan Confections Company, a Hershey subsidiary, which had previously purchased Scharffen Berger Chocolate Maker, an artisanal chocolate manufacturer in nearby Berkeley, California. In November 2006 Artisan Confections purchased Dagoba, an Ashland, Oregon-based manufacturer of organic chocolate. Hershey's later began to consolidate the production of Scharffen Berger products in an upgraded factory in Robinson, Illinois. In early 2009 Hershey's announced plans to eliminate the Joseph Schmidt brand. By July 2009 both the production facility and retail store on 16th Street in San Francisco closed, laying off approximately 150 local employees.


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image Private company Industry Confectionery/Chocolate Founded 1907 Founder Nathan Radutzky Headquarters Brooklyn, New York Products Candy bars, Joyva Corporation

Joyva is a chocolate and confectionery manufacturer headquartered in Brooklyn, New York. It was started in 1907 by a newly immigrated Russian man named Nathan Radutzky who was looking to start a company producing and selling sesame-based halvah. The company is still family-owned and continues to operate out of its Brooklyn location. Over the years the company expanded its production to include a variety of sesame, marshmallow, and jelly-based candies. Joyva candy is kosher parve and is most commonly found in kosher delis or stores in Jewish neighborhoods.

Joyva manufactures a variety of confections but its flagship product is halvah. The company has a line of halvah products ranging from halvah bars, halvah in cans and loafs of halvah with nuts. The halvah can be plain (vanilla), covered in chocolate or have chocolate mixed in (marble). Products that are not halvah-based either incorporate jelly, marshmallow or sesame. Their jelly-based candy is chocolate-covered, uses either raspberry or orange jelly and is made into rings or bars. They also offer Sesame Crunch, a candy composed of brittled sesame seeds and various chocolate-covered marshmallow


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Just Born

imageJust Born

Just Born is a privately held, family-owned, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania-based candy company that manufactures and markets a number of chewy candies including Goldenberg's Peanut Chews, Hot Tamales, Mike and Ike, Peeps, Teenee Beanee jelly beans, and Zours.

Marketing its products under the tagline "a great candy isn't made...it's Just Born," the company was ranked as the 10th largest candy company in the United States, as of 2013.

Russian immigrant Sam Born came to the United States in 1910. In 1916, Born was awarded the "key to the city" of San Francisco for inventing a machine that mechanically inserted sticks into lollipops.

In 1917, Born opened a small retail store in Brooklyn, New York. He displayed in his store window an evolving line of daily made candy, marketing its freshness with a sign that declared Just Born. The original company logo showed a baby resting in a candy measuring scale. Sam Born is also credited with the invention of chocolate sprinkles, known as "jimmies," and the hard coating on ice cream bars.

In 1923, Born started his own manufacturing company in New York City. Irv and Jack Schaffer, Born's brothers in law, joined the company to help market and sell the confections. In 1932, the trio moved operations to Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. The company took over a 4 story, 224,396 sq. ft. building, built in 1920, from a bankrupt printing company.

Sam Born's son, Bob Born, joined the company in 1946 and would later become President for more than 30 years. He was part of the two man team that mechanized the marshmallow Peeps forming process, allowing a substantial increase in production, leading Just Born to become America's largest manufacturer of seasonal marshmallow confections.

In 1953 Just Born acquired Rodda Candy Co. of Lancaster County; manufacturer of jelly beans, as well as a seasonal (Easter) "martello" candy: Peeps. Just Born later mechanized the product manufacture, broadened its marketing, and ultimately created a candy with iconic, year-round appeal.


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Kalev (confectioner)


AS Kalev (2006–2012 Kalev Chocolate Factory AS) is an Estonian confectionery company. The company can trace its origins back two hundred years, the business that preceded the Maiasmokk cafe was founded in 1806, and is now owned by Kalev. The Kalev company is now a part of the industrial conglomerate Orkla Group. Since 2003, it has been based in Põrguvälja near Jüri, Rae Parish, Harju County.

The birth of the Estonian confectionery industry dates back to 1806 when a pastry cook, Lorenz Caviezel, opened a confectionery business in Tallinn at Pikk Street, where the Café Maiasmokk (Sweet Tooth) is located.

In 1864, the business, which had changed hands many times, came into the possession of Georg Johann Stude. After ten years of operation, Stude decided to expand the business: he bought a neighbouring house and in place of these two houses constructed a new and more solid building, which is still there.

Out of Stude’s production, marzipan figures and hand-made chocolate candies were in especially high demand. Stude’s sweets were known outside Estonia. Thus, for example, the court of the Russian tsar was a regular customer at the turn of the 20th century.

Recipes and working methods originating from Stude’s confectionery are still held in great esteem in today’s Kalev – to this day the marzipan figures are hand-made candies.

At the beginning of the 20th century there were other pioneers of the confectionery industry in Tallinn that could be considered as the predecessors of Kalev. Perhaps one of the most renowned was Kawe confectionery, founded in 1921 by brothers Karl and Kolla Wellner at Müürivahe Street 62. Kawe's products, the greatest confectionery in Estonia, were well known in Estonia and abroad, and the company exported a significant share of its output to destinations such as the United States, England, Tunisia, Morocco, France, India and China.

Of other big sweet producers of the time, the factories of Ginovker, Brandmann and Klausson should also be mentioned. At the end of the 1930s, Kawe and these three confectioneries employed 75% of all Estonian confectionery workers. Competing with big factories were a number of smaller enterprises: Riola, Endla, Eelis, Efekt and others.


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Kegg%27s Candies


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Kiev Roshen Factory

Kiev Roshen Factory (Ukrainian: Київська фабрика ROSHEN), formerly known as the Karl Marx Kiev Confectionery Factory. (Ukrainian: Київська кондитерська фабрика імені Карла Маркса) is the largest confectionery company in Kiev, Ukraine, and the most important subdivision of the Roshen Confectionery Corporation.

The factory was founded in 1874 by Valentin Yefimov. In 1923, it was named after Karl Marx by the Soviet authorities in order to celebrate his 105th anniversary. Petro Poroshenko acquired control over the factory soon after its privatization in the 1990s, making it the basis for the future Roshen Corporation; a major modernization with Western equipment followed.

It is unclear when exactly the Roshen decided to officially rename the factory dropping the "Karl Marx" part.

The factory produces more than 100 different products of confectionery, including a variety of chocolate bars, candies, cakes, cookies, and fruit jellies. Among the factory's best-known brands are: "Kyivsky" cake; "Kyiv Vechirniy" chocolate and nut candies; "Chaika", "Teatralnyi" and "Alionka" plain chocolate bars and other products.


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Coordinates: 45°22′55″N 84°56′41″W / 45.381997°N 84.944692°W / 45.381997; -84.944692 Kilwins is an American company specializing in candy, ice cream, and fudge, based in Petoskey, Michigan. Kilwin's was founded in 1947 as Kilwin's Candies and Gifts by Don and Katey Kilwin in Petoskey. They sold off the bakery portion of their business in 1971 so that they could concentration on candy production. In 1976, a second branch was opened in Traverse City, Michigan by Jim Szocinski, who first worked for the company in 1961. The company was sold to Wayne and Lorene Rose in 1978, and three years later, they began to franchise. Today, the company operates over 100 stores nationwide in 21 states.


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