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A bouillon cube /ˈbuːjɒn/ (Canada and US) or stock cube (Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, UK) or broth cube (Philippines) is dehydrated bouillon (French for broth) or formed into a small cube about 15 mm wide. It is typically made from dehydrated vegetables, meat stock, a small portion of fat, msg, salt and seasonings, shaped into a small cube. Vegetarian and vegan types are also made. Bouillon is also available in both granular or powdered form.

Dehydrated meat stock, in the form of tablets, was known in the 17th century to Anne Blencowe who died in 1712 and elsewhere as early as 1735. Various French cooks in the early 19th century—Lefesse, Massué, and Martine—tried to patent bouillon cubes and tablets, but were turned down for lack of originality.Nicolas Appert also proposed such dehydrated bouillon in 1831.

In the mid-19th century, Justus von Liebig developed meat extract, but it was more expensive than bouillon cubes.

Industrially produced bouillon cubes were commercialized by Maggi in 1908, by Oxo in 1910 and by Knorr in 1912. By 1913, there were at least 10 brands available, with salt contents of 59–72%.

piglix posted in Food & drink by Galactic Guru
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