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This piglix contains articles or sub-piglix about Diets
piglix posted in Food & drink by Galactic Guru

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Israeli Army diet

The Israeli Army diet was a fad diet that was popular in the 1970s. It was promoted as being based on the diet used by the Israel Defense Forces for new recruits but had no connection whatsoever with the Israeli Army.

The diet lasted for eight days with the dieter only eating one type of food for two days each.

If the dieter followed the regimen for the full eight days, he or she would likely experience a short-term weight loss. However, as this regime was not sustainable over the long term, the person undertaking the diet soon regained the weight as he or she returned to their normal diet, some even gained more weight. In addition, the lack of variety in the diet meant that many people failed to complete the diet regimen. As well, the diet was not a balanced diet providing the dieter with their nutritional needs such as calories, protein and vitamins leaving them feeling weak and sometimes lightheaded.

For these reasons, nutritionists and doctors were critical of the Israeli Army diet and it declined in popularity. It is now regarded as a classic fad diet like the grapefruit diet or the cabbage soup diet.


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Islamic dietary laws

Islamic jurisprudence specifies which foods are halāl (حَلَال "lawful") and which are harām (حَرَامْ "unlawful"). This is derived from commandments found in the Qur'an, the holy book of Islam, as well as the Hadith and Sunnah, libraries cataloging things the Islamic prophet Muhammad is reported to have said and done. Extensions of these rulings are issued, as fatwas, by mujtahids, with varying degrees of strictness, but they are not always widely held to be authoritative.

According to the Quran, the only foods explicitly forbidden are meat from animals that die of themselves, blood, the meat of swine (porcine animals, pigs), and animals dedicated to other than God (either undedicated or dedicated to idols). All vegetarian cuisine are halal and allowed for Muslims.

However, a person would not be guilty of sin in a situation where the lack of any alternative creates an undesired necessity to consume that which is otherwise unlawful. (Quran 2:173) This is the "law of necessity" in Islamic jurisprudence: "That which is necessary makes the forbidden permissible."

Dhabīḥah (ذَبِيْحَة) is a prescribed method of ritual animal slaughter; it does not apply to most aquatic animals. The animal must be slaughtered while mentioning the name of God (Allah in Arabic). According to some fatwas, the animal must be slaughtered specifically by a Muslim; however, other fatwas dispute this, ruling that, according to verse 5:5 of the Qurʼan, an animal properly slaughtered by People of the Book is halal. The animal slaughtered must be killed quickly with a sharpened blade.


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Ital, also spelled I-tal (/ˈaɪtɑːl/), is food often celebrated by those in the Rastafari movement. It is compulsory in the Nyabinghi mansion though not in the Twelve Tribes of Israel or Remi mansions. The word derives from the English word "vital", with the initial "v" removed. This is done to many words in the Rastafari vocabulary to signify the unity of the speaker with all of nature. The expression of Ital eating varies widely from Rasta to Rasta, and there are few universal rules of Ital living.

The primary goal of adhering to an Ital diet is to increase Livity, or the life energy that Rastafari generally believe lives within all human beings, as conferred from the Almighty. A common tenet of Rastafari beliefs is the sharing of a central Livity among living things, and what is put into one's body should enhance Livity rather than reduce it. Though there are different interpretations of ital regarding specific foods, the general principle is that food should be natural, or pure, and from the earth; Rastafari therefore often avoid food which is chemically modified or contains artificial additives (e.g., colour, flavourings, and preservatives). Some also avoid added salt in foods, especially salt with the artificial addition of iodine, while pure sea or kosher salt is eaten by some. In strict interpretations, foods that have been produced using chemicals such as pesticides and fertilizer are not considered ital. Early adherents adopted their dietary laws based on their interpretation of several books of the Bible, including the Book of Genesis ("Then God said, "I give you every Seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food." (Genesis 1:29)), the books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy. Along with growing dreadlocks and the sacramental smoking of ganja, observing a vegetarian diet is one of the practices early Rastafari adopted from Indian indentured servants living in Jamaica. Rastafari's founder Leonard Howell, affectionately called "Gong" and "Gyangunguru Maragh", though not of Indian descent, was fascinated with Hindu practices and was instrumental in promoting a plant-based diet in the Rastafari community of Pinnacle.


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KE diet

KE diet also known as Feeding Tube Diet is a fad diet in which an individual feeds a proprietary mixture through a feeding tube for a specific number of days. The dieter does not eat anything while on the diet. It has also been called the "Feeding Tube" diet in the United States.

The diet carries several serious medical risks and is not effective in achieving long-term weight loss.

In KE diet, a feeding tube is inserted through the nose of an individual down their oesophagus. At the other end of the tube is an electric pump. The only nourishment the patient receives is KE diet powder – an infusion of proteins, fats and micronutrients with no carbohydrates – mixed with water through the feeding tube. The patient only takes in about 800 calories a day, but the infusion is constant and the absence of carbohydrates curbs hunger. The dieter does not need hospitalization but requires doctor supervision and can carry the pump and liquid with them. The pump can be removed for up to one hour a day. While on diet, the individual cannot eat anything and may only drink water, tea, coffee (with no milk, sugar or sweeteners) or sugar-free herb teas with the tube in. Laxatives may be given to dieters to ease constipation caused by the diet.

Practitioners screen their patients before administering the diet to them and monitor them with blood and urine tests during the diet. The diet does not stop someone from gaining weight in the future. Following the diet, the dieter has to continue a low-carb, high protein diet to keep the weight off.

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics classify the KE diet as a fad diet and say it carries a number of serious risks including pulmonary aspiration and infection. Professor of nutritional science Laura Matarese has said "I don't know any reputable physician or any reputable health care practitioner who would say that this is a good idea."

People who lose weight via the KE diet are at risk of weight gain and binge eating once the diet ceases.


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Ketogenic diet

imageKetogenic diet

The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, adequate-protein, low-carbohydrate diet that in medicine is used primarily to treat difficult-to-control (refractory) epilepsy in children. The diet forces the body to burn fats rather than carbohydrates. Normally, the carbohydrates contained in food are converted into glucose, which is then transported around the body and is particularly important in fueling brain-function. However, if there is very little carbohydrate in the diet, the liver converts fat into fatty acids and ketone bodies. The ketone bodies pass into the brain and replace glucose as an energy source. An elevated level of ketone bodies in the blood, a state known as ketosis, leads to a reduction in the frequency of epileptic seizures. Almost half of children, and young people, with epilepsy who have tried some form of this diet saw the number of seizures drop by at least half, and the effect persists even after discontinuing the diet. There is some evidence that adults with epilepsy may benefit from the diet, and that a less strict regimen, such as a modified Atkins diet, is similarly effective. The most common adverse effect is constipation, affecting about 30% of patients—this was due to fluid restriction, which was once a feature of the diet, but this led to increased risk of kidney stones, and is no longer considered beneficial.

The original therapeutic diet for paediatric epilepsy provides just enough protein for body growth and repair, and sufficient calories to maintain the correct weight for age and height. The classic therapeutic ketogenic diet was developed for treatment of paediatric epilepsy in the 1920s and was widely used into the next decade, but its popularity waned with the introduction of effective anticonvulsant drugs. This classic ketogenic diet contains a 4:1 ratio by weight of fat to combined protein and carbohydrate. This is achieved by excluding high-carbohydrate foods such as starchy fruits and vegetables, bread, pasta, grains and sugar, while increasing the consumption of foods high in fat such as nuts, cream and butter. Most dietary fat is made of molecules called long-chain triglycerides (LCTs). However, medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs)—made from fatty acids with shorter carbon chains than LCTs—are more ketogenic. A variant of the classic diet known as the MCT ketogenic diet uses a form of coconut oil, which is rich in MCTs, to provide around half the calories. As less overall fat is needed in this variant of the diet, a greater proportion of carbohydrate and protein can be consumed, allowing a greater variety of food choices.


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Kimkins is an online diet program created by Heidi Diaz under the pseudonym 'Kimmer' that became famous in 2007 in the magazine Woman's World. The program became embroiled in controversy when it was found that its founder was morbidly obese and had provided some false testimonials on her website.

The diet was developed by Diaz on an online message board focusing on low-carbohydrate diets Lowcarbfriends.com in 2006. Diaz left the board in 2006 to start Kimkins with a partner, and in January 2007 People featured a column on extreme weight loss that mentioned Kimkins. The program gained popularity when Woman's World published a feature on the diet and its creator 'Kim Drake' in their June 12, 2007 issue. In August 2007, considerable negative coverage of the diet began appearing on the internet, particularly in the form of blogs and several of the site's administrators were fired after publicly questioning the diet. In September 2007 a private investigator was hired to investigate Diaz, exposing her real identity as well as publishing numerous photos demonstrating she was morbidly obese.

A class action lawsuit was launched against the website in March, 2008 after it was revealed that the diet's creator was a 300-pound woman named Heidi Diaz who was promoting the diet under the pseudonym Kim 'Kimmer' Drake. During investigations for the suit it was found that the website took in $1,200,000 during the month of June, 2007 alone. It also was revealed that the post-weight loss photos were taken from a mail-order bride website rather than actually representing someone who actually had undertaken the diet. Numerous testimonials on the website were falsified, and several of the website employees have been fired for questioning the safety of the diet.

Members of the website have were banned after they disagreed with Diaz online. People who failed to lose weight were quickly blamed for not adhering to the diet strictly enough. Diaz encouraged people to continue following the plan despite showing signs of eating disorders. The diet won an award for "Worst Product for 2008" from the website healthyweight.net.


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Lacto vegetarianism

A lacto vegetarian (sometimes referred to as a lactarian; from the Latin root lact-, milk) diet is a diet that includes vegetables as well as dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt, butter, ghee, cream, and kefir, but excludes eggs. The concept and practice of lacto-vegetarianism among a significant number of people comes from ancient India.

Lacto-vegetarian diets are popular with many followers of the Eastern religious traditions such as Hinduism, Jainism , Buddhism and Sikhism. The cores of their beliefs behind a lacto-vegetarian diet is the law of ahimsa, or non-violence. According to the Vedas, (Hindu holy scriptures), all living beings are equally valued. Also, Hindus believe that one's personality is affected by the kind of food one consumes, and eating flesh is considered bad for one's spiritual/mental well-being. It takes many more vegetables or plants to produce an equal amount of meat, many more lives are destroyed, and in this way more suffering is caused when meat is consumed. In the case of Jainism, the vegetarian standards are even more strict. It allows the consumption of only fruit and leaves that can be taken from plants without causing their death. This further excludes from the diet vegetables like carrots, potatoes, onions and garlic. Although some suffering and pain is inevitably caused to other living beings to satisfy the human need for food, according to ahimsa, every effort should be made to minimize suffering. This is to avoid karmic consequences and show respect for living things. In this sense, wastage of food is considered a sin. Because all living beings are equally valued in these traditions, a vegetarian diet rooted in ahimsa is only one aspect of environmentally conscious living, relating to those beings affected by our need for food. Environmentalism and vegetarianism are often practiced together.


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Liquid diet

A liquid diet is a diet that mostly consists of liquids, or soft foods that melt at room temperature (such as gelatin and ice cream). A liquid diet usually helps provide sufficient hydration, helps maintain electrolyte balance, and is often prescribed for people when solid food diets are not recommended, such as for people who suffer with gastrointestinal illness or damage, or before or after certain types of medical tests or surgeries involving the mouth or the digestive tract.

A more substantial alternative to liquid diets is the mechanical soft diet, which accepts all types of liquids plus puréed or softened solid foods, such as overcooked pasta, scrambled eggs, bananas and cheesecake. For people who cannot swallow at all, a liquid diet may be delivered to the stomach or intestines through a feeding tube instead. When food cannot be delivered to the digestive tract, e.g., if the digestive tract needs to be empty in preparation for gastrointestinal surgery, then parenteral nutrition (nutrients by intravenous infusion) is the primary choice.

A clear liquid diet, sometimes called a surgical liquid diet because of its perioperative uses, consists of a diet containing exclusively transparent liquid foods that do not contain any solid particulates. This includes vegetable broth, bouillon (excepting any particulate dregs), clear fruit juices such as filtered apple juice, clear fruit ices or popsicles, clear gelatin desserts, and certain carbonated drinks such as ginger-ale and seltzer water. It excludes all drinks containing milk, but may accept tea or coffee.

Typically, this diet contains about 500 calories per day, which is too little food energy for long-term use.


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List of countries by food energy intake

Food consumption refers to the amount of food available for human consumption as estimated by the FAO Food Balance Sheets. However the actual food consumption may be lower than the quantity shown as food availability depending on the magnitude of wastage and losses of food in the household, e.g. during , in preparation and cooking, as plate-waste or quantities fed to domestic animals and pets, thrown or given away.

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the average minimum daily energy requirement is about 1,800 kilocalories (7,500 kJ) per person.


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Low carbon diet

A low-carbon diet refers to making lifestyle choices to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions (GHGe) resulting from consumption decisions. It is estimated that the U.S. food system is responsible for at least 20 percent of U.S. greenhouse gases. This estimate may be low, as it counts only direct sources of GHGe. Indirect sources, such as demand for products from other countries, are often not counted. A low-carbon diet minimizes the emissions released from the production, packaging, processing, transport, preparation and waste of food. Major tenets of a low-carbon diet include eating less industrial meat and dairy, eating less industrially produced food in general, eating food grown locally and seasonally, eating less processed and packaged foods and reducing waste from food by proper portion size, recycling or composting.

A 2014 study into the real-life diets of British people estimated their greenhouse gas footprints in terms of kilograms of carbon dioxide equivalent per day:

In the U.S., the food system emits four of the greenhouse gases associated with climate change: carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and chlorofluorocarbons. The burning of fossil fuels (such as oil and gasoline) to power vehicles that transport food for long distances by air, ship, truck and rail releases carbon dioxide (CO2), the primary gas responsible for global warming. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are emitted from mechanical refrigerating and freezing mechanisms – both staples in food shipment and storage. Anthropogenic methane emission sources include agriculture (ruminants, manure management, wetland rice production), various other industries and landfills. Anthropogenic nitrous oxide sources include fertilizer, manure, crop residues and nitrogen-fixing crops production. Methane and nitrous oxide are also emitted in large amounts from natural sources. The 100-year global warming potentials of methane and nitrous oxide are recently estimated at 25 and 298 carbon dioxide equivalents, respectively.


