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Mathe Forum Schule und Studenten
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The following is a list of all IFT-licensed over-the-air television stations broadcasting in the Mexican state of Tabasco. There are 13 television stations in Tabasco which are affiliated to at least one Televisa, TV Azteca, or TVT network.

Network Stations
Azteca Uno 1
Las Estrellas 4
Imagen Televisión 1
Canal 5 1
Azteca 7 2
Gala TV 2
SPR/Canal Once 1
Televisa Regional {{{tvr}}}
Televisa local 2
{{{net1name}}} {{{net1}}}
{{{net2name}}} {{{net2}}}
{{{net3name}}} {{{net3}}}
Other commercial stations {{{other}}}
Other public stations 1
Social stations {{{social}}}
RF VC Callsign Location Network/name ERP Concessionaire/permittee
27 2/5 XHFRT-TDT Frontera Las Estrellas
(Canal 5)
18 kW Televimex
33 7/1 XHLAV-TDT La Venta Azteca 7
(Azteca Uno)
.97 kW Televisión Azteca
40 2/5 XHUBT-TDT La Venta Las Estrellas
(Canal 5)
3 kW Televimex
34 46 XHVET-TDT La Venta TVT 82.2 kW Televisión Tabasqueña
30 2/5 XHTET-TDT Tenosique
Palenque, Chis.
Las Estrellas
(Canal 5)
28 kW Televimex
26 9 XHTOE-TDT Tenosique Gala TV 55 kW Tele-Emisoras del Sureste
34 46 XHMET-TDT Tenosique TVT 75.8 kW Televisión Tabasqueña
44 1 XHVHT-TDT Villahermosa Azteca Uno
18.79 kW Televisión Azteca
32 2 XHVIZ-TDT Villahermosa Las Estrellas
(Gala TV)
125 kW Radiotelevisora de México Norte
36 3 XHCTVL-TDT Villahermosa Imagen Televisión
(Excélsior TV)
100 kW Cadena Tres I, S.A. de C.V.
33 5 XHLL-TDT Villahermosa Canal 5 12 kW Televisión de Tabasco
41 7 XHVIH-TDT Villahermosa Azteca 7
18.88 kW Televisión Azteca
30 9 XHTVL-TDT Villahermosa Gala TV 160 kW Tele-Emisoras del Sureste
38 14 XHOPVT-TDT Villahermosa SPR multiplex
(11.1 Canal Once, 14.1 Canal Catorce, 14.2 Ingenio Tv, 20.1 TV UNAM, 22.1 Canal 22, 45.1 Canal del Congreso)
13.92 kW Sistema Público de Radiodifusión del Estado Mexicano
35 35 XHUJAT-TDT Villahermosa TV UJAT 39.34 kW Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
46 46 XHSTA-TDT Villahermosa TVT 74.3 kW Televisión Tabasqueña

piglix posted in Entertainment by Galactic Guru
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