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The following is a list of all IFT-licensed over-the-air television stations broadcasting in the Mexican state of Nayarit. There are 10 television stations in Nayarit which are independent or affiliated to at least one Televisa, TV Azteca, or Tele 10 network.

|- |- style="white-space:nowrap; background: #fff6e6;" |26 | |XHRTTS |Tepic |style="white-space:normal"|? | |style="white-space:normal"|Radio-Televisión Digital de Nayarit

Network Stations
Azteca Uno 1
Las Estrellas 4
Imagen Televisión 1
Canal 5 1
Azteca 7 1
Gala TV 1
SPR/Canal Once 1
Televisa Regional {{{tvr}}}
Televisa local 1
{{{net1name}}} {{{net1}}}
{{{net2name}}} {{{net2}}}
{{{net3name}}} {{{net3}}}
Other commercial stations {{{other}}}
10Tv Nayarit 2
Other public stations 2
Social stations {{{social}}}
RF VC Callsign Location Network/name ERP Concessionaire/permittee
32 2 XHACN-TDT Acaponeta and Tecuala Las Estrellas
(Canal 5)
15 kW Televimex
23 2 XHIMN-TDT Islas Marías Las Estrellas 1.3 kW Televimex
38 2 XHSEN-TDT Santiago Ixcuintla Las Estrellas 17 kW Televimex
24 10 XHNSJ-TV San Juan de Abajo Tele 10 11.04 kW Gobierno del Estado de Nayarit
30 1 XHAF-TDT Tepic Azteca Uno
24 kW Televisión Azteca
28 2 XHTEN-TDT Tepic Las Estrellas 55 kW Televimex
22 3 XHCTNY-TDT Tepic Imagen Televisión 20 kW Cadena Tres I, S.A. de C.V.
36 4 XHKG-TDT Tepic XHKG Tv Tepic 20.04 kW Lucía Perez Medina, Vda. de Mondragón
33 5 XHTFL-TDT Tepic Canal 5 55 kW Radiotelevisora de México Norte
31 7 XHLBN-TDT Tepic Azteca 7
23.970 kW Televisión Azteca
24 10 XHTPG-TDT Tepic 10Tv Nayarit 20 kW Gobierno del Estado de Nayarit
11 XHPBTP-TDT Tepic Canal Once Instituto Politécnico Nacional
34 XHSPY-TDT Tepic Sistema Público de Radiodifusión del Estado Mexicano

piglix posted in Entertainment by Galactic Guru
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