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Youth Front

Youth Front
Frente de la Juventud (in Spanish)
Leader(s) José de las Heras Hurtado
Ernesto Milà
Juan Ignacio González
Dates of operation 1978 (1978)–1982 (1982)
Motives Opposition to democracy, social liberalism, peripheric nationalist movements, communism and anarchism.
Active region(s)  Spain
Ideology Neofascism
Spanish ultranationalism
Political position Far-right
Major actions Bombings, murder, conspirating against the government.
Status Inactive
Size 100-300 (1978)

Youth Front (Spanish language: Frente de la Juventud, FJ) was a Spanish political youth organization and far-right militant group, sometimes considered a terrorist organization.

FJ emerged as a 1978 split of Fuerza Nueva, the main neofrancoist party in Spain at the time. The split with the mainstream far-right happened for similar reasons with the previous split of the National Youth Front (FNJ) in 1977. The split happened due to the stagnation of the main far-right political forces and the frustration of new members of the security section - the sections C and Z - of Fuerza Joven (youth-wing of FN). FJ was founded by José de las Heras and Juan Ignacio González, and later joined by between 100 and 300 members during that year. FJ was opposed to the "parliamentary way" of Fuerza Nueva and FE-JONS, defending also the lack of utility of peaceful demonstrations, supporting the creation of paramilitary units to fight against "marxism".

The Youth Front was based mainly in Madrid and Valladolid (while the FNJ was based in Barcelona). FJ supported violence as a destabilizing element of system, and as its main political strategy.

One of the first actions of the group was taking part in the neofascist assault against the Law Faculty of the Complutense University of Madrid in 1979, along with members of Fuerza Joven and FE-JONS. There were at least 30 far-right militants involved in the assault, that resulted in 3 people from the Law Faculty with gunshot wounds. On 29 April 1979, the group stabbed Andrés García, an 18 year old communist, at Goya Street. Andrés died due to the injuries. On the 14th of July of the same year FJ placed a Goma-2 explosive at the bar "El Parnasillo" (Malasaña), for allegedly being a place were anarchists and drug addicts congregated. One person died and 9 were injured.

