XBR is Sony’s highest performance series of BRAVIA LCD, and formerly, Trinitron CRT and WEGA Plasma televisions featuring advanced features and progressive industrial design. According to Sony, XBR is an acronym for eXtended Bit Rate, although there is evidence that it originally stood for “Project X, Black Remote” which was supposed to set it apart from the then-standard line of Sony televisions. The XBR range is typically derived from equipment that has been released in Japan and Europe as mid and high-end models, usually with some small upgrades. For example, in Europe and Japan, the Sony X-Series 1080p TVs had two HDMI inputs, whereas on the American XBR version, there were three. An XBR may cost up to US$25,000.
XBR models usually are denoted by a series number, particularly in the BRAVIA line.