In mathematics, Witt's theorem, named after Ernst Witt, is a basic result in the algebraic theory of quadratic forms: any isometry between two subspaces of a nonsingular quadratic space over a field k may be extended to an isometry of the whole space. An analogous statement holds also for skew-symmetric, Hermitian and skew-Hermitian bilinear forms over arbitrary fields. The theorem applies to classification of quadratic forms over k and in particular allows one to define the Witt group W(k) which describes the "stable" theory of quadratic forms over the field k.
Let (V, b) be a finite-dimensional vector space over a field k of characteristic different from 2 together with a non-degenerate symmetric or skew-symmetric bilinear form. If f : U → U′ is an isometry between two subspaces of V then f extends to an isometry of V.
Witt's theorem implies that the dimension of a maximal totally isotropic subspace (null space) of V is an invariant, called the index or Witt index of b, and moreover, that the isometry group of (V, b) acts transitively on the set of maximal isotropic subspaces. This fact plays an important role in the structure theory and representation theory of the isometry group and in the theory of reductive dual pairs.
Let (V, q), (V1, q1), (V2, q2) be three quadratic spaces over a field k. Assume that