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Wang Duo

Wang Duo (王鐸) (died 884), courtesy name Zhaofan (昭範), formally the Duke of Jin (晉公), was an official of the Chinese dynasty Tang Dynasty, serving as a chancellor during the reigns of Emperor Yizong and Emperor Yizong's son Emperor Xizong. After the agrarian rebel Huang Chao captured the Tang capital Chang'an in 880 and forced Emperor Xizong to flee, Wang was commissioned by Emperor Xizong to serve as the supreme commander of Tang forces in the central and eastern empire, effectively serving as viceroy with full imperial authorities to issue edicts, and Wang was instrumental in the various Tang maneuvers, including persuading Li Keyong and Zhu Quanzhong to join the Tang cause, in defeating Huang. In 884, on his way to his new post as the military governor (Jiedushi) of Yichang Circuit (義昌, headquartered in modern Cangzhou, Hebei), Le Congxun (樂從訓) the son of Le Yanzhen the military governor of Weibo Circuit (魏博, headquartered in modern Handan, Hebei), enticed by the group of women that accompanied Wang, ambushed Wang and killed him, taking the women captive.

It is not known when Wang Duo was born. He came from a prominent aristocratic family, as his uncle Wang Bo served as a chancellor during the reigns of Emperor Muzong and Emperor Muzong's son Emperor Wenzong, although Wang Duo's father Wang Yan (王炎) died early and therefore did not reach high positions. Wang Duo himself passed the imperial examinations in the Jinshi class early in the Huichang era (841-847) of Emperor Wenzong's brother Emperor Wuzong, and subsequently served two terms on staffs of regional governors. Early in the reign of Emperor Wuzong's uncle and successor Emperor Xuānzong, he was recalled to the capital Chang'an to serve as an imperial censor with the title of Jiancha Yushi (監察御史), and subsequently served on the staff of the former chancellor Bai Minzhong when Bai served as the military governor (Jiedushi) of Xichuan Circuit (西川, headquartered in modern Chengdu, Sichuan).

