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Coordinates: 42°40′40″N 11°45′25″E / 42.67778°N 11.75694°E / 42.67778; 11.75694 Vitozza is a cave settlement located near the village of San Quirico in the municipality of Sorano, in the province of Grosseto, southern Tuscany (Italy), which was inhabited from Etruscan times until the end of the 18th century.

The ancient city of Vitozza was built in the medieval era, most likely at the end of the 11th century, around a castle built by the Aldobrandeschi family within a cave settlement which was most likely already inhabited during Etruscan and Roman times.

In the first half of the 13th century, Vitozza passed temporarily under the control of Orvieto and then the Basque family, before being taken up again by the Aldobrandeschi and included into the territory of County of Sovana in 1274, the year of the division of family assets.

Between the end of the 13th and the early 14th century, the place was conquered by the Republic of Siena under which it stayed until the middle of the 15th century. Subsequently, Vitozza became part of County Orsini, but later there was a move away from the castle and its defensive structures for reasons yet unknown, causing the decline of the settlement. The population gradually migrated towards the nearby town of San Quirico, however, Vitozza was inhabited until the end of the 18th century.

