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Vito Spatafora

Richmond Hill Town Council is the governing body for the Town of Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada. Council serves a four-year term, after which a new council is elected by qualified electors in Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill Town council consists of a Mayor, six Ward Councillors and two Regional and Local Councillors. The Mayor and the Regional and Local Councillors additionally serve on the York Regional Council representing the interests of the residents of Richmond Hill.

The Mayor serves as the leader of council. They preside over meetings to maintain order, and call special meetings when needed. The Mayor and Councillors both propose, oversee the administration and finances of Richmond Hill and direction the operations of the Town's departments, as well as meeting with residents and government agencies to discuss issues relevant to Richmond Hill and its residents.

Town Council oversees the municipal departments, which deliver a variety of services to the residents of Richmond Hill. The town has a Community Services Department, Corporate & Financial Services Department, Environment & Infrastructure Services Department, Office of the Chief Administrative Officer and Planning & Regulatory Services Department.

The Town’s Corporate & Financial Services Department is responsible for providing direction, policy advice and leadership to and through the Financial Services, Information Technology and Town Clerk’s Divisions. It provides expert financial, administrative and technical services to ensure supports are in place for internal and external clients and partners.

The Environment & Infrastructure Services Department oversees the design, construction and overall management of the Town’s municipal infrastructure and environmental programs. The Department has a strategic focus on the direction and management of environmental services and initiatives that support future needs and interests of the community. The integration of all design and construction projects for facilities, parks, roads, water, stormwater and wastewater infrastructure resides in this Department.

The Chief Administrative Office provides Corporate leadership in the overall management of the Town's five departments. In this role, the Chief Administrative Officer reviews and approves all recommendations made to Council and Committees of Council, and manages corporate strategic planning. The Chief Administrative Officer acts as department head to the Legal Division, Human Resources and the Office of Strategic Initiatives.

