Vitamalz ['viːtamaːlts] is a German malt beer without alcohol.
Vitamalz comes in brown 0.33l or 0.5l bottles. The logo shows six circles in decreasing size with a color gradient going from dark blue to red to white, featured on a yellow background. The beer itself is of dark brown color. It almost looks like cola, though it develops a light brown foam.
Due to the German beer purity law or Deutsches Reinheitsgebot, first established in 1516 Vitamalz cannot be sold in Germany as beer. It must be called malt drink (in German: Malztrunk). The colloquial name is Dunkelbier (dark beer) or Kinderbier (children's beer) in some areas of Germany and Austria.
Vitamalz contains water, barley malt, glucose syrup, carbonic acid, food coloring E150c and hops. It does not contain alcohol. According to the bottle, it should be consumed within one year of purchase. The website claims it has about as many calories as an orange juice; in fact, at 43 kcal per 100 ml, it is about on par with both alcoholic lager and most soft drinks with added sugar. The company recommends it for young people and pregnant women because of its nutritional value. Unfortunately, no information on said value can be found, other than the fact that it contains several B-Vitamins which support the metabolism and that it gives lots of energy to the body.