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Vergara Embrace

The Convention of Vergara (Spanish: Convenio de Vergara, Basque: Bergarako hitzarmena) was a treaty successfully ending the major fighting in Spain's First Carlist War. The treaty—also known by many other names including the Embrace of Vergara (Spanish: Abrazo de Vergara) was signed by Baldomero Espartero for the Isabelines (or "Constitutionalists") and Rafael Maroto for the Carlists.

The two generals met at the hermitage of San Antolín de Abadiano near Durango, Biscay. The British commissioner Colonel Wylde attended as an observer, because of England's recent role as mediator in the conflict; also present was brigadier Francisco Linage, secretary to Espartero.

Initially, negotiations were stymied by the matter of home rule (fueros), the specific institutional and legal framework of the Basque Country (Basque Provinces and Navarre): Maroto had promised to defend the fueros, while Espartero held that they were unconstitutional.

As negotiations took place, both armies remained positioned and prepared, although they did not battle. Two less senior Carlist officers—La Torre and Urbiztondo—formalized the treaty with Espartero; the first written version still lacked Maroto's signature, although everything that it expounded was in his name. Later, Espartero sent a copy to Maroto with a request to sign it formally.

The first article of the treaty was related to Basque home rule (fueros), and declared that "Captain General Don Baldomero Espartero will strongly recommend to the government the compliance of his offer to commit formally to a proposal to the Spanish Parliament authorizing or modifying the fueros."

