Hello, welcome to my userpage. If you know a language aside from English, just hop in and join the effort to translate my username to many languages... Thank You in over 465 languages in advance.
I am generally pleasant and helpful so feel free to page me on any questions on my .
I have been to many nations on three continents (Europe, Asia (Western), North America). I am very interested in the science of Astronomy, and I am a Computer Engineer with an MSc in Artificial Intelligence.
I got introduced to on 4 February 2005 while I was studying at Michigan State University by a fellow student.
...of the user White Cat...
"English: Societies that made it a habit in finding ways to live comfortably without working, learning, tiring are convicted to first loose their dignity, then their liberty, and then their future.
Türkçe: Çalışmadan, öğrenmeden, yorulmadan rahat yaşamanın yollarını alışkanlık haline getirmiş milletler; evvela haysiyetlerini, sonra hürriyetlerini ve daha sonra da istikballerini kaybetmeye mahkumdurlar."
-- Mustafa Kemal Atatürk