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Uexküll (also Üxküll or Yxkull) is the historic German name of Ikšķile, a town in Latvia. It is also the name of a Baltic-German noble family. Uexküll was originally a Bremen noble family whose lineage can be traced to several places, the earliest originating in Stedingen, and later the Baltic States, Sweden, Württemberg, and Baden.

The Bardewisch coat of arms displays two upward facing battle axes, in blue and black. The helmet appears with closed blue-silver covers.

The Uexküll coat of arms displays a victorious red Lion in a golden backdrop. On the two helmets are red-golden covers facing silver sickles with red shanks. These are adorned with natural peacock feathers.

Since 1475 the Coat of Arms has shown the shields of both the Bardewisch and Uexküll. This is achieved by placing the two side by side with the Uexküll shield on the left and the Bardewisch shield to the right. The helmet, adorned with peacock feathers and centered between two sickles, is split in two, the left of the helmet displaying the red and gold of Uexküll, and the right the colours of Bardewisch.

