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← 28 29 30 →
Cardinal twenty-nine
Ordinal 29th
Factorization prime
Divisors 1, 29
Roman numeral XXIX
Binary 111012
Ternary 10023
Quaternary 1314
Quinary 1045
Senary 456
Octal 358
Duodecimal 2512
Hexadecimal 1D16
Vigesimal 1920
Base 36 T36

29 (twenty-nine) is the natural number following 28 and preceding 30.

It is the tenth prime number, and also the fourth primorial prime. It forms a twin prime pair with thirty-one, which is also a primorial prime. Twenty-nine is also the sixth Sophie Germain prime. It is also the sum of three consecutive squares, 22 + 32 + 42. It is a Lucas prime, a Pell prime, and a tetranacci number. It is an Eisenstein prime with no imaginary part and real part of the form 3n − 1. 29 is also the 10th supersingular prime.

None of the first 29 natural numbers have more than two different prime factors. This is the longest such consecutive sequence.

29 is a Markov number, appearing in the solutions to x2 + y2 + z2 = 3xyz: {2, 5, 29}, {2, 29, 169}, {5, 29, 433}, {29, 169, 14701}, etc.

29 is a Perrin number, preceded in the sequence by 12, 17, 22.

29 is the smallest positive whole number that cannot be made from the numbers {1, 2, 3, 4}, using each exactly once and using only addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

29 palms survay

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