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25 (number)

← 24 25 26 →
Cardinal twenty-five
Ordinal 25th
Factorization 52
Divisors 1, 5, 25
Roman numeral XXV
Binary 110012
Ternary 2213
Quaternary 1214
Quinary 1005
Senary 416
Octal 318
Duodecimal 2112
Hexadecimal 1916
Vigesimal 1520
Base 36 P36

25 (twenty-five) is the natural number following 24 and preceding 26.

It is a square number, being 52 = 5 × 5. It is one of two two-digit numbers whose square and higher powers of the number also ends in the same last two digits, e.g. 252 = 625, the other is 76. It is the smallest square that is also a sum of two (non-zero) squares: 25 = 32 + 42. Hence it often appears in illustrations of the Pythagorean theorem.

25 is a centered octagonal number, a centered square number, and an automorphic number.

25 percent (%) is equal to 1/4.

25 has an aliquot sum of 6 and number 6 is the first (or smallest) number to have an aliquot sequence that does not culminate in 0 through a prime. 25 is the aliquot sum of three integers; 95, 119, and 143. Twenty-five is the second composite member of the 6-aliquot tree.

It is the smallest base 10 Friedman number as it can be expressed by its own digits: 52.

It is also a Cullen number. 25 is the smallest pseudoprime satisfying the congruence 7n = 7 mod n.

25 is the smallest aspiring number — a composite non-sociable number whose aliquot sequence does not terminate.

