The Lion King's Timon & Pumbaa, often simply referred to as Timon & Pumbaa, is an American animated television series created by Walt Disney Television Animation. It centers on Timon the meerkat and Pumbaa the warthog from Disney's 1994 film The Lion King. The show ran for three seasons on CBS, Disney Channel, Toon Disney, and in syndication as a part of The Disney Afternoon. It aired from September 8, 1995 to September 24, 1999. It is also the first Lion King related media to show humans, as humans were not present in the movie. It is the first of two television series to be based on the film, the second being The Lion Guard.
In 2004, Timon and Pumbaa starred in their own released feature film The Lion King 1½, a direct-to-video adaptation of the television series to the first of two films. Robert Guillaume, Matthew Broderick, Cam Clarke, Julie Kavner and Estelle Harris, Nathan Lane, Quinton Flynn, Kevin Schon, Ernie Sabella, Scott Bullock and Jerry Stiller, provided the voices of Rafiki, Simba, Timon's Mother, Timon, Pumbaa, Fred and Uncle Max respectively in The Lion King 1½, and two seasons of television series episodes Mombasa-In-Law/The Laughing Hyenas: TV Dinner, Once Upon a Timon.