This is an episode list for Timon & Pumbaa, an American animated television series made by The Walt Disney Company. It centers on Timon the meerkat and Pumbaa the warthog from the Disney film The Lion King. The series first aired in syndication and on CBS. It later aired on Disney Channel, Toon Disney, Disney Junior, and Disney Cinemagic.
Almost every episode title is a parody of a famous movie, song, or TV show. Geographic place names form the basis of the puns, for example "To Kilimanjaro Bird" is a combination of the novel To Kill a Mockingbird and the name of the mountain Kilimanjaro; "Kenya Be My Friend" & "Catch Me if you Kenya" feature the name of Kenya, Africa.
In the fall of 1995, 13 episodes premiered on Friday afternoons on the syndicated Disney Afternoon block, and 12 more episodes aired on Saturday mornings on CBS at the same time. In the fall of 1996, 13 new episodes aired on The Disney Afternoon, with 8 more premiering on CBS. In 1998, 39 new episodes were produced due to overseas demand. These episodes began airing on Toon Disney on January 1, 1999.
In the third season, Simba, Speedy the Snail, Fred, Irwin, Boss Beaver, the Vulture Police, Rabbit, Toucan Dan, and the Natives did not appear.
Each segments of the episodes in the first season starring The Lion King Characters:
Timon is voiced by Nathan Lane & Quinton Flynn in this season.
Boara Boara: On a tropical island, Timon and Pumbaa run into The Three Natives who make Pumbaa their god-king and try to kill Timon for intending to "abduct" him.
Kenya Be My Friend?: Following a bitter falling-out on "Bestest Best Friend Day", Timon and Pumbaa each vow to find another Bestest Best Friend, and they are successful in meeting each other's polar opposites (Baampu and Monti), until they realize how much they miss each other.