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Tashkent Aviation Production Association

Tashkent Aviation Production Association named after V. P. Chkalov or TAPO/TAPOiCh for short (Uzbek: V.P.Chkalov nomli Toshkent aviatsiya ishlab chiqarish birlashmasi) was a leading high-technology company of Uzbekistan, which was originally moved from Russia to the rear of the Soviet Union, Uzbekistan in 1941 during World War II. The company exited Aircraft Production in 2015.

The enterprise had declared bankruptcy in September 2010 and was planning to end all aircraft production in 2012 with the external management procedure to be terminated in November 2013 after settling with its creditors in October.

However, due to Russian interest, the plant considered resuming production and focus on the production of Ilyushin Il-114 passenger and cargo aircraft, as well as keep its major specialization: assembly and repair of aircraft. These plans, though, contradicted the Uzbek government's desire to close aircraft-related activities and focus on its current production of structural units, household purpose products, spare parts for cars and agricultural equipment.

The plant was due to be renamed the "Tashkent Mechanical Plant" (Uzbek: Toshkent mexanika zavodi) on January 1, 2014.

During the first and the second five-year plans, the Soviet government tried to supply the aviation sector with the national production.

In the first place was created the ANT aircraft family. The planes played a great role in the civil aircraft sector but the progress in the following decades has rendered these planes obsolete and they have been modernized or replaced.

In the second place, it was founded in 1932 in the city of Khimki, Moscow region as the 84 Repairing Factory of GVF (Civil Aviation Fleet), later - the Aviation Factory named after V. P. Chkalov.

Tapoich was a multifunctional organism. This association was responsible for aircraft production, for the social development of the city where it is situated and for the health-care system for its employees.

