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Taklung Kagyu

The Taklung Kagyu (Tibetan: སྟག་ལུང་བཀའ་བརྒྱུད་Wylie: stag lung bka' brgyud) is a sub-sect of the Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism.

The Taklung Kagyu lineage was founded by Taklung Thangpa Tashi Pal in 1180 CE. Like the other Sarma schools, it is part of the second founding of Buddhism in Tibet and incorporates the teachings of the early Kadam school. The Taklung Lineage teaches Mahamudra practices in particular.

The main seat of Taklung Kagyu is located in the northern part of Tibet in a place called Taklung. In the 13th century, Choejey Sangye Won, the fourth lineage holder, established Riwoche Monastery in Kham. This tradition later came to be known as the Marthang Taklung as distinct from the Lhasa Taklung.

Eventually, the Taklung Kagyu school spread throughout Tibet, parts of Mongolia, China and even India.

The current lineage holders are the 7th Phakchok Rinpoche, the 7th Taklung Ma Rinpoche and the 26th Taklung Shabdrung Rinpoche.

Marpa Lotsawa brought the Kagyu tradition from India after accomplishing his training with his main teacher Naropa, who in turn was the disciple of Tilopa, who received the transmission from Vajradhara and Vajrayogini.

