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Taga za Yug

Taga za Yug (Bulgarian: Тъга за юг, in English "Longing for the South") is the name of a famous poem of Bulgarian poet Konstantin Miladinov (originating from Ottoman Macedonia).

Konstantin Miladinov wrote the poem while living in Russia. He obviously felt nostalgic for Ohrid. It is these dark and dreary feelings that nurture his yearning for the warm sunshine of the South. By exclusively using positive epithets to depict the native soil, the author evokes the painful, unattainable desire to return to his homeland, symbiotically embracing it. Regarding the lyrics, he mentions Stambol that is actually Istanbul, present day Turkey, and Kukus Kilkis (Кукуш), present day Greece. He also mentions Ohrid and Struga, present day Republic of Macedonia. It was published for the first time by Georgi Rakovski in the newspaper "Dunavski lebed" issued in Belgrade in 1860. In the Republic of Macedonia it is viewed as one of the most important Macedonian literary works under the name. The poem is traditionally recited at the opening ceremony of Struga Poetry Evenings, an international festival established in author's honour, featuring the poetry award Miladinov Brothers.

The T'ga za Jug wine is named after Miladinov's poem. Produced in the Republic of Macedonia, the wine is semi-dry and ruby-red in color. It has been described as being similar in taste to the Italian or Californian Barbera.

