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Spanish Communist Workers' Party (1921)

Spanish Civil War
Popular Front

PCE federations
Mundo Obrero - CC.OO.
United Left
European Left

Dolores Ibárruri
Enrique Líster
Santiago Carrillo
Julio Anguita
Francisco Frutos

Politics of Spain
Political parties in Spain
Elections in Spain

World Communist Movement

The Spanish Communist Workers' Party (Partido Comunista Obrero Español) was a communist party founded on April 13, 1921 by the terceristas, including Virginia González Polo, Daniel Anguiano, Eduardo Torralba Beci, Manuel Núñez Arenas, Luis Mancebo and Evaristo Gil, who had been trying to persuade the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) to join the Comintern. When the PSOE Congress voted to join the Vienna International and refused Bolshevism, the terceristas broke away.

