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Spanish Catholic Movement

Spanish Catholic Movement
Movimiento Católico Español
Leader José Luis Corral Fernández
Founded 1981
Youth wing Acción Juvenil Española
Ideology National Catholicism
Spanish ultranationalism
Clerical fascism
Political position Far right


Spanish Catholic Movement (Movimiento Católico Español in Spanish, MCE) is a Spanish ultra-catholic and clerical fascist political party. The party also considers itself francoist and a follower of the ideas of José Antonio Primo de Rivera. The party uses the Cross of Saint James as its main symbol.

MCE was founded in 1981 as a splinter group from Fuerza Nueva, led by José Luis Corral. In the Spanish general elections of 1982 the party received 996 votes, less than 1% of the total. In the following years the MCE organized masses, tributes to the Nazi Blue Division veterans and to the "fallen for Spain", as well as numerous rallies against abortion.

In the last 10 years the party has also organized acts against homosexuals or catalan independentism.

As of June 2016, the party is a member of the far-right coalition La España en Marcha.

