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Social Security in Spain

The social security system (Spanish: seguridad social) in Spain is its principal system of social protection. The concept of social security first appeared in Spain in 1883 under the Committee for Social Reform, it was expanded several times during the twentieth century and finally the right to social security was enshrined in the Spanish Constitution of 1978 under Article 41 which states "that the public authorities shall maintain a public social security system for all citizens, guaranteeing sufficient support and social benefits in situations of need, especially in the event of unemployment, and that the support and additional benefits shall be free".

Social security was first examined under the Liberal government of Posada Herrera, who set up a government commission to examine Social Reform in October 1883. 1900 Labour Accidents Act; 1919 Worker Retirement; Obligatory Maternity Insurance 1923; Forced Unemployment Insurance 1931; Obligatory Old-Age and Disability Insurance (SOVI) 1947;Social Security Bases Act 1963; General Social Security Act of 1966.

The right to social security was enshrined in Article 41 of the Spanish Constitution of 1978 and envisages a varied system of benefits structured on three levels: basic social security, assistance to cover professional and employment categories and supplementary benefits.

Moreover, article 149.1.17 ª provides that the State has exclusive jurisdiction over basic legislation and financial regulation of the social security system, without prejudice to the performance of its services by the autonomous communities.

As an important piece of evolving legislation, social security in Spain is regulated by Royal Decree 1 / 1994 of June 20, by adopting the text of the General Law on Social Security (BOE of 29). This regulation has been amended on numerous occasions.

The Spanish social security system is structured as follows:

Membership is obligatory, unique and covers the entire life of the person included in the system.

Levels of security must reflect the initial and subsequent contributor's working life.

Contributions (or payment of fees) are required from the commencement of a work activity (whether or not they have affiliated formally, at whatever level).

The purpose of social security is to guarantee to those people who fall within the scope of the act, (those who carry out an occupational activity, or that meet the requirements of the non-contributory category, such as family members or dependants for whom they have responsibility), adequate protection against those contingencies and situations contemplated by the law.

