Sixth Avenue is a cross-town avenue in Tacoma, Washington, which throughout a large portion of the city, provides the division between the north and south numbered streets.
Previous to the construction of State Route 16, Sixth Avenue was a portion of the designated route through Tacoma to reach the Tacoma Narrows Bridge. The historic business district of Sixth Avenue from approximately State to Alder remains one of the most active business districts in the city.
The Sixth Avenue Business District Board (S.A.B.D.) meets at 7:30am on the second Tuesday of every month at Shakabrah. The board members and officers are elected to two year terms, which are staggered to ensure continuity throughout the various election cycles. The current S.A.B.D. President is Dan Smith, and some of the notable past Presidents include: Bill Connelly, Christopher List, David Printz, Koreen Thompson, and Nick Fediay.
Eclectic truly defines this district with its coffee shops, doggie daycare, music and record stores, lumber yard, tattoo parlors, custom jewelry store, fast food and fine dining restaurants. Sixth Avenue is a hot spot at night with quality musical entertainment, local clubs and a wide array of dining choices. The Ave is an area you don't want to miss day or night.
Sixth Avenue is home to some of Tacoma’s best known retailers and restaurants, a few of which have been featured on the Food Network. A mix of history and attitude create this unique and inviting neighborhood that you're sure to remember. Start the day with a cup of coffee at one of our locally owned coffee houses, shop all afternoon, and end the evening with a sumptuous dinner and entertainment. Sixth Avenue has something for people of all ages and walks of life. Come visit and enjoy all that we have to offer.