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Sidney Barnsley

Ernest and Sidney Barnsley were Arts and Crafts movement master builders, furniture designers and makers associated with Ernest Gimson. In the early 20th century they had workshops at Sapperton, Gloucestershire.

Sidney's son, Edward continued the family tradition, making fine furniture according to his father's philosophy and became a figurehead in his own right.

They were also associated with the designers and makers Gordon Russell, the Dutch furniture designer-craftsman Peter Waals, or van der Waals, and the architect-designer Norman Jewson (who was Ernest Barnsley's son-in-law).

Sidney Barnsley rebuilt the Church of Jesus Christ and the Wisdom of God at Lower Kingswood, Surrey, in 1891 in the free Byzantine style. He used red brick and stone in various patterns, e.g. chequer work, herringbone and basketweave, and a plain tile roof. He installed a single unit aisled nave and chancel; an east end with polygonal apses, the outer ones as angled bay windows; imposing west front; a large planked and studded door with scalloped metal framing under round arch with inscription; a stone dressed diocletian window above the narthex under a pent roof; and round headed lancet windows on other façades and in the apses of the east end.

Interior features include an Arts and Crafts movement lectern, pulpit and reading desk, in ebony and holly with mother of pearl inlay; priests' chairs with domed canopies; and Byzantine capitals from Constantinople and Ephesus decorating the aisles and west wall.

This has the highest building classification of listing of Grade I.

