Sekolah Berprestasi Tinggi or High Performance School is a prestigious title conferred to a group of schools in Malaysia that have ethos, character and a unique identity to excel in all aspects of education. The schools have a tradition of high culture and excellent work with the national human capital and continuing to grow holistically and are competitive in the international arena. The title is given by Malaysian Ministry of Education (MOE). This is a section of a part of the National Key Result Areas of Government Transformation Programme (GTP).
Desire to identify and create Sekolah Berprestasi Tinggi (SBT) has been announced by the Prime Minister, Dato Seri Najib Bin Tun Abdul Razak in his speech at the National Assembly administration members, civil servants and government-linked companies (GLCs) at the Putrajaya International Convention Centre (PICC) on 27 July 2009. This is as a section in one of the six main part in NKRA which is ″Improving Student Outcome".
"As a pilot project, a total of 100 schools, consisting of ordinary types, schools, cluster schools and boarding schools. With this, we will provide an environment conducive to teaching and learning and promote cooperation between the public and private sector to drive the achievement of students. All these plans will be implemented within three years before the end of 2012."
MOE has prepared an action plan to identify 100 SBT by 2012. This effort is in line with the "1Malaysia: People First, Performance Now". On 9 September 2009, MOE decided to recognise 100 schools consisting of government schools and government-aided schools to be set up as SBT and a SBT Sector Management Division of Residential School and Cluster School (BPSBPSK) so that management of SBT can be implemented efficiently.