Santa Caterina dei Funari is a church in Rome in Italy, in the rione of Sant'Angelo. The church is mainly known for its façade and its interior with frescoes and paintings.
The church stands on the same spot as the Castro Aureo of the Circus Flaminius, built by Caius Flaminius in 221 B.C. In medieval times, the vicinity became the location of string- and rope-makers (funari), hence, the name of the church. The original church was a three-naved basilica, called "Santa Maria de Donna Rosa in castro aureo", named for the first time in 1192 in a document of Pope Celestine III. It was rebuilt in the 9th century with a single nave and dedicated to St. Catherine of Alexandria and later also called Santa Caterina dei Funari.
In 1534 Pope Paul III conceded this church to St. Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Jesuits. He established in this church a Company for Poor Homeless Maidens. A few years later the Company became a Confraternity. Sponsored by Cardinal Federico Cesi, they decided to rebuild the church and name it "Santa Caterina dei Funari". It was built by Guidetto Guidetti between 1560 and 1564, together with Giacomo Barozzi da Vignola and Ottavio Mascherino (1524-1606).
The travertine façade shows the influence of other Renaissance churches on the Lombard architect Guidetto Guidetti. He relied much for his design on the design of the church Santo Spirito in Sassia, built by his teacher Antonio da Sangallo the Younger. The careful ornamentation contrasts sharply with the austere architectural arrangement in two sections. The sections are divided by pilasters with slightly modified Corinthian capitals. The lower section consists of five bays with three pilasters on each side of the entrance. Each space between two pilasters is filled with an empty semicircular niche under a festoon. Above and underneath each niche is a framed rectangular panel. The aedicular entrance is flanked by two Corinthian columns that support an architrave (with the text DIVAE CATHARINAE VIRG. ET MART.- St. Catharine, virgin and martyr) and a triangular pediment. The top of these two capitals are adorned with cornucopias and cherub's heads. The festoon over the pediment carries two iconographical symbols of martyrdom : a palmbranch and the sword, the instrument of her martyrdom. The other festoons contain a wheel, her intended instrument of martyrdom.