This is a list of fictional characters from the Japanese anime television series, Mobile Suit Gundam 00, the eleventh incarnation of the Gundam media franchise.
The series focuses on the four mobile suit pilots of the paramilitary organization Celestial Being. The pilots, referred to as Gundam Meisters (マイスター Maisuta, German for Master), pursue the complete eradication of armed conflict mainly through the deployment of the revolutionary Gundam units in aggressive armed interventions.
Supporting the Gundam Meisters is the crew of the Ptolemaios (プトレマイオス Putoremaiosu) led by Sumeragi Lee Noriega. At the end of the first season, the Ptolemaios was severely damaged and many of its crew were killed. During the second season, the new Ptolemaios II enters service crewed by the surviving members of the original Ptolemaios. They are later joined by Saji Crossroad and Soma Peries, the latter after recovering her memory as Marie Parfacy.
Wang Liu Mei (Chinese: 王留美; pinyin: Wáng Liúměi; Japanese: ワン・リューミン Wan Ryūmin)
Hong Long (Chinese: 紅龍; pinyin: Hóng Lóng; Japanese: ホンロン Hon Ron)
The Gundam Meisters and the crew of the Ptolemaios face many opponents from the three major powers, the Union, Human Reform League, and AEU during their armed interventions in the first series. In the second series, the Gundam Meisters find opposition in the form of new and returning enemies during their battle against the Earth Sphere Federation's A-Laws and the Innovators.