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Country of origin Russia
Date 1990-1996
First flight 1996-02-21 (Soyuz TM-23)
Designer KB KhIMMASH
Application attitude control thruster
Predecessor 11D427M
Status Retired
Liquid-fuel engine
Propellant N2O4 / UDMH
Mixture ratio 1.85
Cycle pressure fed
Chamber 1
Nozzle ratio 45
Thrust (vac.) 25 N (5.6 lbf)
Chamber pressure 0.88 MPa (128 psi)
Isp (vac.) 285 s (2.79 km/s)
Burn time 25,000 seconds
Restarts 300,000
Length 180 mm (7.1 in)
Diameter 136 mm (5.4 in)
Dry weight 0.9 kg (2.0 lb)
Used in

The S5.142 (AKA DST-25) is a liquid pressure-fed rocket engine burning N2O4/UDMH with an O/F of 1.85. It is used for crew-rated spacecraft propulsion applications. It was used in KTDU-80 propulsion module from the Soyuz-TM to the Soyuz-TMA-M, as the low thrust thruster (DPO-M). As of the Soyuz MS, KTDU-80 does not uses DPO-M anymore.

The S5.142 generates 25 N (5.6 lbf) of thrust with a chamber pressure of 0.88 MPa (128 psi) and a nozzle expansion of 45 that enables it to achieve a specific impulse of 285 s (2.79 km/s). It is rated for 300,000 starts with a total firing time of 25,000 seconds and can do single burns from 0.03seconds to 4,000 seconds. Each unit weights 0.9 kg (2.0 lb).

This engine has been used in manned Russian space program since the Soyuz TM-23. There are two versions:

