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Romano-Celtic Temple

A Romano-Celtic temple (more specifically a Romano-British temple in Great Britain, or Gallo-Roman temple in the Continental region formerly comprising Gaul) is a sub-class of Roman temple found in the north-western provinces of the Roman Empire. Many may have had roots in the later Iron Age either in direct relation to pre-Roman structures or on sites with pre-Roman activity.

Each temple normally consisted of a box-like cella, of variable height, surrounded by an ambulatory or veranda built from stone, wood or both. This floor-plan is typically square or rectangular, but triangular, circular and polygonal layouts are also known. In size they vary considerably with the outer ambulatory ranging from 8.5m to 22m in length and the cella from 5.1m to 16m A central tower building, accessible from a door on one side, was usually roofed, as was the ambulatory, though the tower may rise above the height of the surrounding ambulatory or be pitched so that the two features join together. Some features of the Classical Roman temples are included in the architectural tradition of these temples, such as the addition of columns as part of the exterior wall; ambulatories may remain open or be delineated by a short wall or wall-and-colonnade. The internal features included mosaic floors and decorative wall paintings. Structures often, but not without exception, stand within a temenos or sacred enclosure.

Temples, as centres of religious ceremonies and festivals, may have attracted people from surrounding areas. Each temple would be dedicated to one or more gods, with a statue in the cella. Votive offerings such as coins, pottery, statues, miniature votive figurines can be found both within the building and in the surrounding ambulatory and temenos, suggesting that access may be available throughout the structure and that the external architectural components also serve a purpose within the ritual environment of the temple. The temple at Woodeaton produced evidence for multiple hearths within the temple superstructure, suggesting the use of fire within the religious worship at that site.

