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Rizhskoye (Russian: Рижское) is part of the Leningradsky District in northern Kaliningrad, Russia. It was formerly known by its German language name Kalthof as first a suburb of and then a quarter of Königsberg, Germany.

Kalthof was founded by the Teutonic Knights as an outwork (Vorwerk) estate on the eastern approach to medieval Königsberg. Its farmland extended as far west as Rossgarten's marketplace, the Roßgärter Markt; the farmland was gradually developed by Rossgarten and Neue Sorge over centuries. A copper mill was located nearby in 1416. The estate was worked by farmers from nearby villages. In the late 17th century Kalthof, Lawsken, and Spittelhof were possessed by Johann von Hille, commandant of Fort Friedrichsburg.

The 1,100 morgen Devau Revuefeld just east of Kalthof was the oldest large training ground of the Prussian Army, with exercises held annually since 1717. King Frederick the Great did not want any ceremonies during his first visit to Königsberg after his accession. Instead, a large revue of East Prussia's troops was held on 20 April 1740 instead. In 1893 Kalthof contained barracks for two pioneer battalions of the Prussian I Corps, the Pionier-Bataillon Fürst Radziwill (Ostpreußisches) Nr. 1, formerly of Danzig, and the Samländisches Pionier-Bataillon Nr. 18, which recruited from Samland.

