The Britannia series is a series of documentaries from BBC Four that began in 2005. The documentaries most often deal with the evolution of a music genre or other aspect of musical culture over a period of decades within the United Kingdom, although occasionally episodes have covered music in other countries (Ireland, United States, Italy) or such diverse subjects as comic books, games, satirical works and wildlife. The shows are usually presented in a three-episode format, but are often broadcast as one continuous block as part of a schedule of themed programming.
A look at the history of British jazz music. Presented by Terence Stamp.
A look at the history of British folk music.
A look at the history of British classical music.
A look at the history of British soul music. Presented by Pauline Black.
A look at the history of British comics. Presented by Armando Ianucci.
A look at the history of British dance culture.
A look at the history of British pop music. Presented by Anne-Marie Duff.
A look at the history of Irish folk music.
A look at the history of British progressive rock music. Presented by Nigel Planer and featuring interviews with Joe Boyd, Arthur Brown, Gary Brooker, Robert Wyatt, Bill Bruford, Mike Oldfield, Bob Harris, Jonathan Coe, Steve Howe, Carl Palmer, Rick Wakeman, Pete Sinfield, Richard Coughlan, Mont Campbell, Phil Collins, Mike Rutherford, Tony Banks, Ian Anderson and Roger Dean.