Raj Kumar Dorendra Singh (born 3 September 1934) is a senior Indian politician and a former Chief Minister of NorthEastern Indian state of Manipur. In the past, he represented a number of political parties; currently he is with Manipur People's Party. He was a member of the Indian National Congress (INC), Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), and a few other parties earlier. He was the Chief Minister of Manipur from 6 December 1974 to 16 May 1977, again from 14 January 1980 to 27 November 1980 and from 8 April 1992 to 11 April 1993.
He was elected to the Upper House of the Indian Parliament - the Rajya Sabha from Manipur during 20-9-1988 till 12-3-1990 from Indian National Congress party.