Abbahu (Hebrew: אבהו) was a Jewish Talmudist, known as an amora, who lived in the Land of Israel, of the 3rd amoraic generation (about 279-320), sometimes cited as R. Abbahu of Caesarea (Ḳisrin). His rabbinic education was acquired mainly at Tiberias, in the academy presided over by R. Johanan, with whom his relations were almost those of a son (Yer. Berakhot chapter II halachah 1, page 4b in Daniel Bomberg's Venice edition; 12b in current editions;Gittin 44b;Bava Batra 39a). He frequently made pilgrimages to Tiberias, even after he had become well known as rector of the Caesarean Academy (Yer. Shab. chapter VIII halachah 1, page 11a in Bomberg's Venice edition; 54b in current editions; Yer. Pesahim chapter X halachah 1, page 37c in Bomberg's Venice edition).
Abbahu was an authority on weights and measures (Yer. Terumot chapter V, halachah 3 page 43c in Bomberg's Venice edition;halachah 1 in current editions). He encouraged the study of Greek by Jews. He learned Greek himself in order to become useful to his people, then under the Roman proconsuls, that language having become, to a considerable extent, the rival of the Hebrew even in prayer (Yer. Sotah chapter VII, 21b). In spite of the bitter protest of Simon b. Abba, he also taught his daughters Greek (Yer. Shab. chapter VI, 7d; Yer. Sotah chapter IX, 24c; Sanhedrin 14a). Indeed, it was said of Abbahu that he was a living illustration of the maxim (Ecc.; compare Targum), "It is good that thou shouldest take hold of this [the study of the Law]; yea, also from that [other branches of knowledge] withdraw not thine hand: for he that feareth God shall come forth of them all" (Ecc. R. to 7:18).