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Quantum singularity

The term quantum singularity is used to refer to many different phenomena, which often approximately resemble a gravitational singularity in the scientific sense in that they are massive, localized distortions of space and time. The name invokes one of the most fundamental problems remaining in modern physics: the difficulty in merging Einstein's Theory of Relativity (which includes singularities within its models of black holes) and quantum mechanics. In fact, since singularities are infinitely small according to relativity, they are expected to be quantum mechanical by their nature; a theory of quantum gravity would be required to describe this behavior, and no such theory has yet been completed. On the other hand, only one kind of singularity has ever been observed (black holes), and due to the mass dependent, stable radius of the connected event horizon, it is currently unknown if this kind of singularity actually approaches or even drops below scales relevant to quantum mechanics.

A quantum singularity is a phenomenon of multiple varieties. One such variety appears in the Star Trek: Voyager episode "Parallax". The singularity creates a mirror image and a temporal distortion. Voyager flies into the singularity after seeing an image of itself inside. To escape, the crew uses a shuttle and fires a tachyon beam at an opening created upon entry. In Voyager episode "Hunters" the Voyager crew discover a Hirogen relay station almost 100,000 years old that is powered by a quantum singularity. The word "tiny" is used to apparently describe the dimensions of the quantum singularity. Specifically, it is stated to be about "a centimeter" in diameter, making it, in fact, ironically and paradoxically enormous, although it is possible that the diameter stated could refer instead to the singularity's event horizon. In episode "Scorpion" Species 8472 and the Borg make use of quantum singularities to travel to and from fluidic space.

