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Prophets (Star Trek)

Ro Laren Preemptive Strike.png
Ro Laren in 2370
Home world Bajor
Base of operations Deep Space Nine
Official language(s) Bajoran, Ancient Bajoran
Affiliation United Federation of Planets, Bajoran Provisional Government
Quadrant(s) Alpha
Planet type Class M planet
Notable locations Alpha Quadrant
Notable people Independent, Cardassian vassal, Cardassian Union, independent, Federation Autonomous State

In the Star Trek science-fiction franchise, the Bajorans are a humanoid extraterrestrial species native to the planet Bajor. They were first introduced in the 1991 episode "Ensign Ro" of Star Trek: The Next Generation and subsequently were a pivotal element of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and also appeared in Star Trek: Voyager. The shows' writers initially depicted the Bajorans as an oppressed people who were often forced to live as refugees, whom they likened to a variety of ethnic groups. Rick Berman, who helped to originally conceive them, compared them to "the Palestinians, [...] the boat people from Haiti — unfortunately, the homeless and terrorism are problems [of every age]."Ronald D. Moore similarly commented, "depending on the episode, you could also call Bajor Israel, or Iran, or even America and the Cardassians could be Germans, or Russians or several other examples… [but] we don't really try to make Bajor a direct analogy to any specific contemporary country or people." Various Bajoran characters were included in several of the Star Trek series, including Ro Laren (played by Michelle Forbes) in The Next Generation as well as a number of others in Deep Space Nine, which was set on a space station near to Bajor, and which featured Bajoran characters such as Kira Nerys (Nana Visitor) and Winn Adami (Louise Fletcher).

