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Dimitrovo (Russian: Димитрово) is part of the Moskovsky District of Kaliningrad, Russia. Until 1947, it was known by its German language name Ponarth as first a suburb of and then a quarter of Königsberg, Germany, located southwest of the city center.

Ponarth was known in the Middle Ages as Penarth and was located in a forest known as the Penarthsches Wald. The name was of Old Prussian origin (pa nartas or po nariatas) and referred to the wetlands of the Pregel River basin, similar to Nasser Garten to the north. First mentioned under the jurisdiction of the Schulze Conrad in 1328, it was documented as a German village with Kulm law in 1385 as part of the state of the Teutonic Order. In 1467 it was granted to Mathes Scheunemann, a licentiate employed by the Teutonic Knights. In 1482 Ponarth passed to Kunz Pfersfelder, a mercenary captain from Karschau.

Ponarth had to be rebuilt after being burned down by Polish troops during the 1520 Horsemen's War. In 1599 it passed to Albrecht von Kittlitz, who exchanged it with Duke George Frederick. In 1609 Duke John Sigismund granted Ponarth to the Königsberg town of Löbenicht. In 1679 Ponarth's houses were dismantled during the approach of Swedish troops (see Great Sleigh Drive).

