Parameters |
subgenerator matrix , probability row vector |
Support | |
See article for details |
CDF | |
Mean | |
Median | no simple closed form |
Mode | no simple closed form |
Variance | |
MGF | |
CF |
A phase-type distribution is a probability distribution constructed by a convolution or mixture of exponential distributions. It results from a system of one or more inter-related Poisson processes occurring in sequence, or phases. The sequence in which each of the phases occur may itself be a . The distribution can be represented by a random variable describing the time until absorption of a Markov process with one absorbing state. Each of the states of the Markov process represents one of the phases.
It has a discrete time equivalent the discrete phase-type distribution.
The set of phase-type distributions is dense in the field of all positive-valued distributions, that is, it can be used to approximate any positive-valued distribution.
Consider a continuous-time Markov process with m + 1 states, where m ≥ 1, such that the states 1,...,m are transient states and state 0 is an absorbing state. Further, let the process have an initial probability of starting in any of the m + 1 phases given by the probability vector (α0,α) where α0 is a scalar and α is a 1 × m vector.
The continuous phase-type distribution is the distribution of time from the above process's starting until absorption in the absorbing state.
This process can be written in the form of a transition rate matrix,
where S is an m × m matrix and S0 = –S1. Here 1 represents an m × 1 vector with every element being 1.
The distribution of time X until the process reaches the absorbing state is said to be phase-type distributed and is denoted PH(α,S).
The distribution function of X is given by,
and the density function,
for all x > 0, where exp( · ) is the matrix exponential. It is usually assumed the probability of process starting in the absorbing state is zero (i.e. α0= 0). The moments of the distribution function are given by