The Peter Rawlinson Award is an annual Australian environment award by the Australian Conservation Foundation consisting of $3000 and a plaque made to individuals who have made an outstanding voluntary contribution to the Australian environment. It commemorates Dr Peter Rawlinson’s contribution as an environmental campaigner and researcher. Rawlinson was an ACF Treasurer and Vice President and a biologist and conservationist who died while doing field work in Indonesia in 1991.
2007 award: won by Aboriginal activist and elder of the Arabunna nation, Kevin Buzzacott for two decades of work highlighting the impacts of uranium mining and promoting a nuclear free Australia.
2006 award: won by Clive Crouch, a grassroots environmentalist from Nhill in Victoria, for his work promoting biodiversity in Victoria's Wimmera region over the last 30 years.
2005 award: won by Louise Morris, who has spent a decade campaigning tirelessly against uranium mining and for forest protection in the South West of Western Australia to 2001, then in Tasmania. She is one of the Gunns 20 activists being sued by wood chipping and timber company Gunns Limited.
2004 award:
2003 award: won by Nina Brown, known locally in Coober Pedy as Greenie Mula, an Irati Wanti campaign co-ordinator for the Kupa Piti Kungka Tjuta and giving them media and communications assistance to help defeat a nuclear waste dump proposal in South Australia.
2002 award:
2001 award: won by Dailan Pugh and John Corkill for their contribution to the North East Forest Alliance of New South Wales.