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Paul Eidelberg

Paul Eidelberg (1928- ) is an American-Israeli political scientist, author and lecturer, and is the founder and president of The Foundation for Constitutional Democracy, with offices in Jerusalem. He is also president of the Yamin Yisrael Party.

Eidelberg served in the United States Air Force where he held the rank of first lieutenant. He received his doctoral degree at the University of Chicago where he studied under Leo Strauss. He designed the electronic equipment for the first brain scanner at the Argonne Cancer Research Hospital.

Before immigrating to Israel in 1976, Eidelberg wrote a trilogy on America’s founding fathers: The Philosophy of the American Constitution (ISBN ), On the Silence of the Declaration of Independence (ISBN ), and a Discourse on Statesmanship (ISBN ).

In 1976 he joined the faculty of Bar-Ilan University, and holds adjunct positions at Otago University in New Zealand and The University of Georgia.

He has written several books on the Arab-Israel conflict and on Judaism. Demophrenia (ISBN ) analyses the mentality of Israel’s ruling elites. Jewish Statesmanship: Lest Israel Fall (ISBN ), which has been translated into Hebrew and Russian, discusses what he sees as the flaws inherent in Israel’s system of governance and how they may be remedied. His work, A Jewish Philosophy of History (ISBN ), investigates the world-historical events leading to the rebirth of Israel in 1948.

Eidelberg is on the Advisory Council of the Ariel Center for Policy Research, which has published many of his policy papers. In addition to writing more than 1,000 articles for newspapers and scholarly journals in the U.S. and Israel, he is a weekly guest on The Tamar Yonah Show on Arutz Sheva radio.

