Nushibi (Nu-shibi, Chinese 弩失畢) was a Chinese collective name for five tribes of the right (western) wing in the Western Turkic Kaganate, and members of On oq (Turkic ten arrows) confederation found in the literature about the Western Turkic Kaganate as Ten arrows (ten tribes) Türks. The references to Nushibi appeared in Chinese sources in 651 and disappeared after 766. The Nushibi tribes occupied the lands of the Western Turkic Kaganate west of the river Ili. The Chinese annals recorded that the first in the list of tribes of right wing was listed Ashtak tribe of Ulug-ok (Turkic Great tribe), a conjugal tribe of the Kagans from the Kaganate western branch, who belonged to the "celestial-blue" tribe Ashina. In the Kaganate, the position of Yabgu (Chinese Pinyin "Sihou"), and Katun (Kagan's wife) belonged to the members of the Ulug-ok tribe. Two other members of the Nushibi wing were Turgesh tribes Alishi and Sakla-baga (Chinese Pinyin Soge Mohe), with a common appellation Halach (Kalach) for the two-tribe composition, known from the Chinese, Arabic, and Turkic sources. Two more tribes were the descendents of the Eastern "weak Huns" (Ch. Yueban) - Chumuhun and Chuban.
Etymology of the term Nushibi comes from the Turkic name for the "right wing" on shadapyt, "nushibi" is a colloquial pronunciation in modern Han dialect of the Chinese hieroglyphs for "right wing", modern Chinese Nu-shibi < 'nou siet - piet < Turkic ong shadapyt.
After the split of the First Turkic Kaganate in 604, the Western Turkic Kaganate was initially reorganized as a "ten arrows" Onoq confederation with Nushibi 5-tribe right wing dominating over the left wing of the Dulu group of five tribes. Both Nushibi and Dulu (Dulo) belonged to the Turkic tribes of the Chuy group, and spoke close dialects.
The transfer of supremacy from the Dulu group to Nushibi had outcome reverberating across Erasian continent. Nushibi controlled, and benefited, from the operation of their section of the transcontinental trade road (Silk Road), and were in alliance with Sogdiana, a chain of small oasis principalities who were also members of the Western Turkic Khaganate, and served as main operators of the Silk Road. Nushibi interest in the Silk Road operation brought them, in addition to the Sogdians, into a coalition with Byzantine and China, two other superpowers interested in the east-west trade. In the west, the coalition included Khazars in the N. Caucasus, and Bulgars in the N. Pontic steppes. This alignment was opposed a coalition of two other powers, Persia and Eastern Turkic Kaganate, which brought about the first world wars of the 7th century Early Middle Ages.